February 23-25, 2022
Online, Timezone GMT-5

Top 20 sessions

CareerManagement When you are in the tech industry, you continually build your knowledge. There are always new frameworks, languages, and tools to be learned. What can you do with all of this learning? Share it, and share it well. Being able to share your learnings with fellow developers is crucial to the improvement of your product and your team. In this talk, you’ll learn strategies and techniques to become a better technical mentor.
Tests & Quality You have analyzed your code with your favorite quality inspection tool. You have seen the metrics. Some of them are clear, some are not. Now what? What are the next steps? What’s the best way to tackle Technical Debt? In this session, I will discuss all the above based on my 10-years experience
Architecture & Design Patterns Likely some terms starting with the word "event" are invading your professional space. "Event-driven" is already a buzzword in IT marketing and sales. The tech terms list is much longer. It includes "event streaming", "event storming", "event sourcing", "event store", "event modeling", ... Getting dizzy already? Don't worry. This talk is an “event-dizziness” cure. It'll walk you through the entire "event land" and explain what is what.
ManagementDocumentation For an engineering team to thrive and evolve, it has to stand on clear core values and principles. Often times, these are implicit and shared only organically. This can be a problem as the team grows.

In this presentation, we’ll take a look at a few principles on which engineering teams can lean on to achieve excellence in building amazing software while developing themselves and scale at the same time.
DevOpsManagement Even though we use the latest methodology and technology most of us still struggle being effective.
Effective developers don't just write clean and robust code. They also have a strong understanding of the problem that needs to be solved and they take time to learn and play. Learn how those developers build effective coding habits, use automations whenever needed, reserve time for deep work, and much more.
Security The first worm was benign, and designed to highlight security issues, but was so prolific it inadvertently took the Internet down for days. Nowadays, malicious attacks know no bounds. We hear stories of them targeting elections and even entire democracies!

Join me, as we explore why this is a challenge we can overcome and how YOU are part of the solution.
Architecture & Design PatternsManagement Agile is still buzzing, even though I still honestly don't understand why. I've seen it happen, seen it develop, and seen how much of agile actually becomes politics; inner politics, and seen how it takes the responsibility away from managers and derides such roles as software architects, encourages people to think more short term and less long term on key issues, etc.

Waterfall model had it's flaws, so does agile. So what's wrong with Agile?
Architecture & Design PatternsPHP What makes a good API? What makes people *want* to use yours? It doesn't matter if it's REST, RPC, or something else - the API design should start with purpose. Let's talk about API evolution, verifiable consistency, clear description, runnable documentation, implementation architecture, and other techniques to minimize the development effort and ease the integration for our clients. Let's also dispel a few myths about HTTP, while we're at it.
DevOpsTests & Quality Traditional software development occurs in phases, where QA, security and other roles act as gatekeepers to production. This leads to silos, delays and doesn’t scale.

So, instead of waiting for a human to decide what is and isn’t valid, learn how to use automation to continuously enforce standards in your software. Let’s turn gatekeepers into build breakers!
DevOpsPerformance Production problems are tricky to troubleshoot if proper diagnostic information isn’t captured. In this session, we will share with you 16 important artifacts that you need to capture. We will also discuss effective tools that you can use to analyze those artifacts.
How does history repeat? If Free Software and Open Source made history, what kind of history was it and what future does it presage? In this talk, we’ll examine the past, present, and future of information technology and freedom, stopping along the way to visit ancient god-kings, hacker heretics, long-dead muftis, and ourselves in the year 2007.
PHPPython What's in the .git folder? How are commits stored? How do branches work? We'll dive deep into the objects folder, unpack commits, look at the types of DAG nodes, examine object content, and build a complete visualization of the stored content. We'll also quickly look through Git hooks, Git config, and ref logs. Come experience the zen of git.
CareerManagement As a very senior IC you are expected to lead and drive adoption of engineering best practices at a time when your daily interactions with code have never been less. How can you effectively deliver change when you don't control the code that is produced? This talk will show you techniques that allow you to be an effective change agent without being a dictator, allowing you to guide direction and build consensus without controlling every step.
Architecture & Design PatternsCloud Computing How Serverless technologies can be used to build a real-time pizza tracker?
In this talk we will dive into serverless-applied design-patterns with a live-demo session to answer the following question :
why and how a serverless architecture can be a great fit for realtime and highly scalable use cases?
Dans les 24 derniers mois, les communautés de développement logiciel ont été au coeur des changements que la société a dû mettre de l'avant pour s'adapter aux nouvelles réalités. Qu'allez-vous faire avec toutes ces nouvelles opportunités, ces vieilles façons de faire qui se sont mises de côté et des nouvelles technologies qui ont émergé?
DevOps Everything fails all of the time. Failure happens, failure is inevitable. It’s how you respond that matters. 

For a lot of people, failure has a negative connotation. I don’t see failure as being the opposite of success. I think failure is an opportunity!

Join me on a journey to discover more about pain, happy little accidents, trial and error, learning opportunities and resilience.

It's time to start embracing failure!
Architecture & Design PatternsJavaScript From loading Ajax requests in browsers to have full-blown frameworks; Javascript has come a long way. While moving stuff from backend to frontend the problems of backend are also ported. The Bigger the code gets bigger the problems, more dependencies, eventually all the problems of a huge monolith.
With Microfrontends, we can break this monolith into smaller independent, maintainable apps.
Sounds good? Let’s see how in this talk.
Databases When building an application on top of a relational database, it's very easy to fall into antipatterns that can cause the application to perform poorly as it scales… or when you first turn it on! The scope of this talk is talking about the most common ways in which applications abuse databases, and how to address them early in development so you are not struggling later. We'll use PostgreSQL for examples, but the information isn't exclusive to it
Opening keynote for ConFoo 2022. Details to come.
Tests & Quality Have you ever found yourself constantly editing the same three files? Maybe there's a test that fails every time you change something?
These are the results of brittle code. In this talk, we will put on our Sherlock Holmes cap and use the power of
git in combination with graph analysis to find out where the brittleness hides and to quantise its severity.

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