February 23-25, 2022
Online, Timezone GMT-5

Online Java & JVM languages Conference

Java & JVM languages Domain-Driven Design (DDD) is an architectural approach that strongly focuses on materializing the business domain in enterprise software through disciplined object-oriented analysis. This session demonstrates first-hand how DDD can be elegantly implemented using Jakarta EE via an open source project named Cargo Tracker.

Cargo Tracker maps DDD concepts like entities, value objects, aggregates and repositories to Jakarta EE code examples.
Java & JVM languages How much can we do with Kafka in a lunch break? Let's find out.

In this live-coding session we'll build a real-time dashboard from scratch. Dancing across three languages - KSQL, Java and JavaScript - we'll piece together the skeleton of a dashboard that could serve KPIs to everyone in your organisation, or just form the basis of your next lunchtime hacking session.
Java & JVM languages Chaotic classpaths can be be source of constant unexpected problems in development and production. All too often everything including the kitchen sink is dumped onto the classpath to make an app work. Who has time to look or figure-out research conflicts or troubleshoot transient errors? In this session I cover some of the bizarre issues I've had to troubleshoot (in production!) along with tools I've created to to identify and resolve problems.
Java & JVM languages Life is filled with tradeoffs, but life is better when you know the tradeoffs *before* making important decisions, and this session demonstrates some of those. As both a Java Champion and Kotlin Developer Expert, the presenter loves both children equally, but not in the same ways. Come to this session to see several places in which your choice of language could result in either promise or pitfall. All examples will be coded live & in real-time!
Java & JVM languages Most applications only know the present. Their state is updated on every change, effectively losing information that existed in the past. Can that be a limitation? Missed opportunity? What if your application could remember its entire history? Would that be helpful, or is it a worthless effort? This talk will help you make mental models of the Event Sourcing, DDD, and CQRS concepts and implement them in Java.
Java & JVM languages Jakarta EE 9 will have a major impact upon the Java ecosystem whether you directly use it or NOT. Do not assume you aren't impacted! The change will have a ripple effect on many open source libraries and frameworks, including Spring! In this presentation I will cover what has changed and how to assess and mitigate its impact upon your application(s).
Java & JVM languages Java a la réputation d'être lent mais GraalVM permet de changer ça sans changer vos habitudes de développement.
Lors de cette présentation, venez découvrir différentes alternatives (Quarkus, Spring Boot, Micronaut, ...) pour faire du Java natif avec GraalVM.
Vous verrez le développement d'un endpoint dans l'alternative choisie lors de la présentation (live coding).
Après cette présentation, vous ne regarderez plus Java comme avant.
Java & JVM languages In this session, let's have fun & build sample code snippets that can generate memory leak, thread leak, CPU spike, unresponsiveness, BLOCKED threads, Deadlocks, Heavy I/O activity. If you can understand what triggers these problems, diagnosing and solving them might become easier.
Java & JVM languages Apache Kafka is an event-streaming database that needs a different mental model to get the best out of it, and the best way to acquire new mental models is by building something!

In this talk we'll revisit a classic game - a Text-Based Adventure - and rebuild it as an event-based application.

Along the way we'll learn to think in streams, explore some design patterns, and see how Kakfa handles data-processing, state management and more.
Java & JVM languages Many of us have built applications for traditional data structures (like relational database tables), but is it different for graph data stores? In this session, we will cover a brief intro to graphs and build a typical Java application for a graph database. This will come alive through a live demo, as we see the results of our efforts. Join us to see how to amplify the power of connected data with applications!
Java & JVM languages Want to see how the Java ecosystem and the cloud opens new possibilities for developers? This session is for you! It shows how familiar players like IBM and Microsoft can collaborate around open technologies in ways you may not have expected just a few years ago.

In this fast-faced, demo-heavy and mostly slide-free session we will show first-hand how to run Open Liberty on Azure managed OpenShift.
Java & JVM languages Vous en avez marre de développer en Java?
Kotlin a maintenant plus de 10 ans et n'est pas seulement destiné à la plateforme Android.
Lors de cette présentation, venez découvrir comment développer et tester une API Kotlin avec Spring Boot.
Quelles sont les pièges à éviter?
Les bonnes pratiques à mettre en place.
Java & JVM languages Dans mes journées, je fais énormément de refactoring. Je joue avec le code. L'améliore, le rend testable, lisible.

Je me rends compte que dans toute la panoplie d'outils à ma disposition, certains reviennent continuellement. Je vais donc vous faire une petit liste de ceux que j'utilise au quotidien.
Java & JVM languages When it comes to security, identity management, and access control, it is best to rely on trusted, tested, solid foundations instead of reinventing the wheel. Over the years, Keycloak established itself as the defacto platform supporting OAuth, social logins, and single sign-on. In this talk, we’ll share our recipe to customize, package, and operate Keycloak as we needed to extend it to fit the Ambassador Cloud platform business requirements.
Java & JVM languages Learn how to leverage proven patterns & OSS to build a robust portfolio of services that provide a solid foundation for your dynamic & growing microservice architecture, then learn how to make the cloud do it for you with tools that support & enable those patterns. The presenter will demonstrate how to develop, deploy, and manage apps using Spring Cloud and Azure, but all concepts and constructs shown apply to various frameworks/cloud platforms.
Java & JVM languages Java now offers us, twice a year, a set of new features. This session will give you an overview of key functionalities recently added to the Java platform, including Java 18! We will cover new Java languages features such as the support for Pattern Matching, new APIs (ex. Vector API) but also JDK features (ex. security updates, tools such as the lightweight web server, etc). Attend this session to see what Java really looks like in 2022!

Explore all 145 sessions