February 26-28, 2025
Montreal, Canada

Java & JVM languages Conference 2025

The list of presentations is subject to change without notice.
Java & JVM languages See a demonstration of how developers can quickly build microservices with Micronaut and GraalVM Native Image. Discover how combining GraalVM Native Image and Micronaut can lead to efficient, highly performant, and optimized applications targeting environments like Kubernetes or serverless platforms. Learn to access an Oracle Autonomous Database (ADB) using the Micronaut framework with Micronaut Data—and how to use Micronaut, AOT, and GraalVM
Java & JVM languages Do you regularly spend your nights trying to make sense of cryptic error messages? In this example-driven presentation we go through more advanced topics of Observability, and dive into the toolsets available to you to instrument your JVM-based app so that it can tell you what it is doing and why. We will explore how to instrument apps without vendor lock-in using Micrometer, OpenTelemetry, Grafana, OpenZipkin, Prometheus, OpenMetrics, etc.
Java & JVM languages Spring Boot 3.x and Java 21 have arrived, ushering in an exciting era for Java developers! Join me, Josh Long (@starbuxman), as we explore Spring Boot’s future with Java 21. Discover easy scaling for applications and codebases, and insights into the Spring Boot ecosystem: AI, modularity, seamless data access, and production-ready tools like Project Loom, GraalVM, and AppCDS. Dive into the latest Spring Boot advancements to build faster, scalable,
Java & JVM languages Containerization enables scalable, portable, resilient, and (cost-)effective applications. This session explores how Spring Boot developers can optimize for containerized environments:

* Best practices for building images
* Integration testing with TestContainers
* Cloud Native Buildpack support for JVM-based apps & Java native images

Come to this session to learn how to unlock the *full* potential of containers for your Spring Boot apps!
Java & JVM languages Profilers are great tools in your toolbox, like debuggers, when solving problems with your Java application. I'll tell you some of their problems and a technique to cope with them in this talk.

There are many open-source profilers for Java, but they all have problems, I'll show you which and how to deal with them in this talk.
Java & JVM languages Having problems creating a maintainable set of integration tests for your enterprise Java application? With the Testcontainers project, convoluted and complicated integration tests can be a thing of the past!

This talk will showcase the basics of Test containers, how to create quick integration tests for some common scenarios and will use a Jakarta EE runtime to test sample enterprise Java applications.
Java & JVM languages Dans un monde JVM back-end pleinement dominé par Spring, on voit depuis quelques années apparaître de nouveaux venus qui tentent d’apporter des visions différentes sur les frameworks web. A travers une courte session de live-coding, je vous emmène découvrir Ktor & la librairie Exposed, des solutions 100% Kotlin proposées par Jetbrains pour construire un micro-service simple et performant pour attraper tout plein de pokémons.
Java & JVM languages Netty is an open source Java networking framework that enables developers to build high performance systems. Netty is a key building block for open source projects like Netflix Zuul, Apache Pinot, and Micronaut. In this presentation, we will examine how Netty is being used in the real world. We will discuss Netty’s core capabilities and how to apply them. And finally, we will learn how to avoid common pitfalls when working with Netty and Java.
Java & JVM languages Kubernetes won the containers orchestration war. But has it made deploying your apps easier?
Let's explore some of Kubernetes extensive app developer tooling, but mainly what the PaaS space looks like in 2025; 18 years after Heroku made it popular.
Is Heroku still around? What about Cloud Foundry?
And what are those new comers (fly.io, railway, porter.sh, etc.) worth?
Did the Cloud giants replace them all?
Java & JVM languages Les CLI (Command Line Interface), tout le monde les utilise et elles existent depuis la nuit des temps.

Je vous propose d'utiliser un langage qui ne paraît pas, au premier abord, le plus intuitif pour faire une CLI : Java !

Venez m'accompagner lors d'une session de live coding permettant de mettre en lumière comment créer une CLI en Java avec Picocli et Quarkus en partant de zéro !
Java & JVM languages Join me in this talk where I will showcase how you can rely on Keycloack (open-source identity management solution) and the Eclipse MicroProfile API to simplify the security aspects of your applications by doing a live demonstration of securing enterprise Java Microservices under 40 minutes!

See a live demonstration of a small application that uses the Eclipse MicroProfile APIs to correctly integrate it with Keycloak with OpenIDConnect
Java & JVM languages Frustrated by slow Spring Boot tests, or skipping integration tests because they're too slow? They don’t have to be! I’ll share recipes that make integration tests nearly as fast as unit tests. We’ll explore how to balance performance and reliability when testing HTTP clients, JSON serialization, transactions, messaging, and more, so you can speed up your tests without sacrificing accuracy. Don’t miss this session packed with practical solutions!
Java & JVM languages Does Spring sometimes feel like magic to you? It doesn’t have to. In this presentation, I'll demystify the workings of the Spring Framework through real-world examples. We'll see key elements such as the BeanFactory, the Bean Lifecycle, the ApplicationContext, BeanPostProcessors, and proxying. By the end of this session, you'll have a solid understanding of Spring’s core components and be able to confidently troubleshoot issues when they happen.
Java & JVM languages This presentation introduces AI basics for beginners, covering fundamental concepts and potential impacts. It then focuses on Spring AI, a tool simplifying AI integration in applications. The talk covers Spring AI setup, integration with Spring Boot, and implementation of common AI tasks like chatbots and sentiment analysis. Attendees will gain understanding of AI fundamentals and practical skills for incorporating AI into Spring applications.
Java & JVM languages Beaucoup d'eau a coulé sous les ponts depuis Java 17. Et beaucoup de nouvelles fonctionnalités ont été ajoutées à Java 21, la dernière LTS. Nous allons programmer en direct à travers celles que vous devriez Indéniablement connaître.
Java & JVM languages In the realm of Java programming, understanding memory management and garbage collection mechanisms cannot only be helpful for optimizing performance and resource utilization but also in general will help you to use the right garbage collector for your application. This session will be about memory allocation, object lifecycle, and garbage collection strategies within the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Attendees will gain insights into memory alloca
Java & JVM languages Attention: If you love to maintain legacy code than this session is not for you.
You probably know the hassle of maintaining code that was written long time before you entered the project or company. Often the developers who wrote it are not even in the company anymore. So how do you know if the code is still used? This session will give you an idea about what you can do to get rid of dead code.

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