February 26-28, 2025
Montreal, Canada

.NET Conference 2025

The list of presentations is subject to change without notice.
.NET .NET Aspire is the brand new framework from Microsoft for opinionated observability and deployment in the cloud. Come see how the pieces fit together, how to upgrade an existing site, and the benefits of OpenTelemetry. You can add as much or as little .NET Aspire to your app, and even use it only in dev.
.NET Learn how to streamline native feature interactions in cross-platform .NET applications. We'll explore how different OSes handle native user features, like iOS FaceID and Android Biometry, and how to decouple them for platform-agnostic functionality. Through a real-world example of managing Biometry APIs, you'll discover how to abstract development without compromising performance or user experience.
.NET As developers we know what our application needs from the cloud, so we should be the ones creating the cloud infrastructure for the app. Pulumi is an IaC tool that lets you use general purpose coding languages like C#, TypeScript, and others. So in this session we'll look at how to use C# and Pulumi together for writing Infrastructure as Code to create Azure services and then deploy our apps to it.
.NET Vous souvenez-vous de l'époque où les CLI étaient à la mode ? (Re)Découvrons les applications CLI et leur pertinence encore aujourd'hui.

Au menu :

• Le secret de la création d'interfaces de ligne de commande conviviales.

• Des conseils pour rendre vos applications CLI irrésistibles, même pour les fans d'interface graphique.

À la fin de cette session, vous aurez hâte d'ouvrir votre terminal et de commencer à coder !
.NET Améliorer votre application en consommant des API REST peut être fastidieux. Avec de la chance, chaque API offre un SDK, ce qui conduit à un enfer de dépendances et à différents modèles de développement. S’ils n’en offrent pas, vous devez implémenter l’authentification, l’autorisation, la sérialisation et la gestion des erreurs! Rejoignez-nous pour découvrir comment vous pouvez générer votre propre client API REST grâce à OpenAPI et Kiota.
.NET Découvrez comment nous avons simplifié notre architecture en passant de "Clean Code" à une approche basée sur des endpoints plus performants. Apprenez à créer des features avec MediaTr en définissant des commandes/requêtes, des réponses, des validateurs et des handlers, tout en utilisant des librairies comme FluentValidation pour un code clair et maintenable.
.NET Unlock the power of Machine Learning by coding your own models from scratch! In this session, we’ll break down complex ML concepts into easy-to-understand steps. You'll start with a simple linear regression and move on to neural networks without relying on pre-trained models like GPT. By the end, you'll have the skills and confidence to implement Machine Learning in your projects. Join us to demystify ML and empower your ML journey!
.NET I ported the game DooM from C to C#. Having to deal with strange file types, alternative ways of (re)allocating memory, data structures being passed around as void* pointers and the likes, it's tempting to use unsafe code in C#. Turns out, that's not needed!

Let's look at how C translates to C#, and how C# adds safeguards to avoid shooting yourself in the foot. Or learn how taking on a crazy project like this can make you a better developer.
.NET Entity Framework makes data access in .NET applications as easy as defining some classes, adding a connection string, and writing some LINQ statements. Behind the simple facade, Entity Framework gives us multiple options for tuning our data access and improving performance. In this talk, you will learn how to tune EF Core for better performance and when to avoid it entirely!
.NET The .NET Garbage Collector (GC) is great. It gives our applications the illusion of having unlimited memory, so we can focus on writing code instead of manually freeing up memory. But how does .NET manage that memory? What are hidden allocations? Are strings evil? What are generations? Frozen and pinned objects? HELP!!

In this talk, we’ll go over the base concepts of .NET memory management.
.NET Really, I don't know how to write React! I do know server-side ASP.NET Core, HTML and JavaScript. Which is all you'll need to build rich front-ends that feel like they are running client-side. Welcome, HTMX!

You can learn the basics of HTMX within a few minutes, and start using its rich collection of features to build any UI experience - usually a few HTML attributes are enough. In this session, we'll look at how you can get started with both.
.NET Have you ever wondered how a compiler works? Well, no more! In this session we will explore how a compiler works: which steps are invoked in which order and what are the intermediate results? We will also explore how we can use these results for other use cases like an interpreter, code analysis or other tools.

If you are ready to completely geek out over how one of the tools you use every day works, come join Henry and find out!
.NET In this session we will be using the open-source Uno Platform to help us quickly get a full-fledged application up and running for Windows, Android, iOS, WebAssembly, macOS, and Linux.

We will go from design mockups all the way to a finished app!
.NET Did you know you could build IoT solutions with .NET? We'll explore how the .NET ecosystem allows you to create custom applications for popular boards. Through an open-source framework, we’ll break down the layers that connect your IoT devices to cloud solutions like Azure IoT Hub, demonstrating how .NET can power smart, scalable IoT development.
.NET RAG is transforming information retrieval by integrating the pre-training of LLMs with your data, leading to novel insights and real opportunities for application features. This session aims to equip you with the knowledge to effectively implement RAG within your line-of-business apps. We'll focus on C# code samples, utilizing the Microsoft OpenAI Client to demonstrate building applications that will delight your users.
.NET On November 12, 2024 .NET 9 was released. As a part of this new version with 1.5 years of support, the web frameworks ASP.NET Core and Blazor were updated. This session will showcase the major new features that were added, including many live demos. Especially when currently using .NET 8, an upgrade to .NET 9 is optional due to the shorter support window, so you should know whether the new possibilities are worth the migration.
.NET Among the challenges developers face are naming things, cache invalidation, and off-by-one errors. But the one we never talk about is date logic! Date logic is full of fallacies and challenges that we as developers often hand-wave away, only to be bitten later! In this talk, we will explore and explain some of the common fallacies and challenges, such as daylight savings, non-standard timezones, and the challenge of presenting back to the user.
.NET XAML is great for WinUI-based cross-platform apps… but it’s so hard to debug. In this talk, we’ll look at how to walk around these difficulties by leveraging C# for Markup, and how to use it to translate complex XAML into easily debuggable C# code.

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