22 au 24 février, 2023
Montréal, Canada

BDD revolution - or how we came back from hell

In the modern application development process, testing is not only an addition. A great example of a proper testing suite revolution is Behat system from the open-source eCommerce project Sylius, which has been entirely rebuilt some time ago.
I will present the bigges problems which we had in previous UI tests and the conclusions we’ve deduced from them. I will also show the way, how we’ve rewritten the test system and what we learned from it.

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Mateusz Zalewski

Commerce Weavers

Being a programmer is not only my job - it is a way of my life. I’m a strong BDD believer and testing enthusiast, curious about the world, and passionate about science. For the last few years, I’m a Sylius core-team member, working hard on developing the best e-commerce framework, also doing training and talks about Sylius, testing, and programming itself. Privately a member of a medieval reenactment group and a fervent traveller.

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