21 au 23 février, 2024
Montréal, Canada

Four usages of PHP static analysis

Static analysis is for life, not just for christmas. While finding bugs before execution a staple, static analysis provide tools to go even further. It scans the code to offer suggestions, training unususpecting developers into using modern code. It provides inventories, linking remote parts of the code by their value and process, and bringing more consistency across the code base. Finally, it can document the code base, and keep it real-time.

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Damien Seguy


Damien Seguy is CTO at Exakat Ltd., a company specialized in PHP code quality solutions for the industry. He leads the development of the exakat static analysis engine, that automatically review code for version compatibility, security and clear code. Over the last 17 years Damien has contributed to PHP, as documentation author, elephpant breeder, conference UFO on all continents. He also enjoys gremlin and camemberts.

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