21 au 23 février, 2024
Montréal, Canada

Conférence JavaScript à Montréal

JavaScript JSON Web Tokens are everywhere - you are using a bunch of them right now. It's such a common technology, yet, it's very easy to get them wrong. In this session, we get to the nitty gritty of JWT's - what they are, how they work, and how to make sure that we haven't made an app that just waits to be hacked.
JavaScript Apache Kafka's an interesting beast. It solves many different data-processing problems by being part queue, part database, and part message bus. But it can be daunting to get started, and like many things, the only real way to understand Kafka is to build something with it. So let's do that!

In this JavaScript live-coding session we'll take our first steps with Kafka, building a system that tracks the London Underground, in real time.
JavaScript Creating cohesive user experiences across various platforms and devices is paramount in today's fast-paced digital landscape. Design systems are the key to achieving this goal, as they provide a systematic approach to design, code, and documentation. In this session, we will explore the core concepts of design systems and how web components, a powerful technology, can streamline the process of building and maintaining design systems.
JavaScript A number of AWS services charge by the hour but most services needed for development or testing are only needed during work hours. If it's only needed for 40 hours a week, why pay for the extra 128 hours? At the same time, maybe you'd rather keep the number of people in AWS to a minimum. In this talk, we'll create a Slack bot that automatically turns off AWS services at the end of the day but allows employees to turn them on or off from Slack.
JavaScript Knowing the event loop in JavaScript makes the difference between knowing what’s going on and praying that everything works. In this presentation we will try and cover the inner-works of JavaScript, how the one thread ( that did not sign up for this job ) in the browser handles execution of instructions, what happens if we try running things asynchronously and why the event loop is important in this delicate cycle.
JavaScript In this talk, we will explore the Node.js Test Runner, addressing the curious absence of a native testing framework in the JavaScript language. We will uncover the reasons that led Node.js, after 14 years since its inception, to develop a native test runner, despite the presence of several available libraries.
JavaScript We'll discuss the fundamentals of browser extensions (Chromium browsers & Firefox), explore the current options available for end-to-end testing, and dive in to some live coding to see it in action.

By the end of this presentation, you'll have the knowledge and skills to implement end-to-end testing for your own browser extension.
JavaScript Feature Flags. Feature Toggles. Canaries. A/B Testing. ...
Many a talk at ConFoo and less well fed conferences will refer to using feature flags as a way to enable seamless integration into a very aggressive release schedule.

Feature Flags are an extremely simple yet powerful tool to streamline integration of complex features.

We'll cover many a known implementation strategies for feature flags so you can become an advocate too.
JavaScript Fresh is a web framework based on Web standards built to run on the edge anywhere you can run Deno.

Fresh takes inspiration from existing frameworks to provide features like file-based routing, Islands architecture, server-side rendering and Typescript.

We’ll go through the features and architecture so that you can get up and running with Fresh today.
JavaScript Faced with the challenge of developing a desktop application, a web developer may feel like a fish out of water. However, with Electron, the transition can be seamless. Originating as GitHub’s shell for the Atom editor, Electron offers a fertile ground for web developers to apply their existing skills to create cross-platform desktop applications. Depart with the foundational knowledge to leverage your web skills in the desktop realm.
JavaScript Get ready for a game-changing shift in application development!
Node.js is shaking things up by reducing external dependencies and embracing core capabilities. Say goodbye to costly libraries because Node.js teams have been working tirelessly to introduce native tests, watch mode, and loader to the ecosystem, all without relying on external libraries.
Discover how you can revolutionize your workflow with Node.js's core-driven approach
JavaScript Node.js is an incredible technology, it brings us JavaScript on the server side. But even with such great promises, nothing is perfect and anything can be better when mixed with other cool techs.
Node.js is not the best way to handle heavy computation on the server side, but with Node-API you can now use and enjoy the power of 'the old' C++ and the shiny Rust in your favorite web server.
Let's dive together in a world of performance!
JavaScript After a decade sacrificing HTML on the altar of JS frameworks, we've become blind to its raw power. We keep reinventing the wheel with megabytes of JS/CSS, throwing accessibility under the bus as we go.

And yet, HTML5 is enormously powerful in itself, especially when it comes to form controls and dialogs, which most folks are sadly unaware of.

How about digging into this, so we can slim down our bundles and become more accessible to boot?
JavaScript Test coverage is a metric often used to quantify the maturity of a project's testing.

Whilst low numbers indicate a lack of tests on the project, high coverage doesn't account for the quality of the tests being run.

And most testing frameworks have quirks and pitfalls.
Have you tested that your project's tests actually fail when they should?
Mutation Testing does that so you know which tests are trustworthy and which ones need work.
JavaScript I will show how to build a simple chat client with real live coding in vanilla Javascript and ReactPHP as server and explain the basic concepts behind the process, how to communicate through Websockets, and the possibilities to deploy it on a Webserver.

JavaScript As developers, we usually work on fancy devices with super fast and stable internet connections, but most of your users aren’t.

With the incredible power of Service Workers, we can provide a fast and reliable experience for all our users.

In this talk, Rowdy will look at different caching strategies to boost the performance of your website and how to deal with offline situations using the Cache API and Fetch API.
JavaScript Back in 2015, Progressive Web Apps started as a way to upgrade websites to be installable and live next to native apps. Modern PWAs are much more than just offline website shortcuts for phones; they're reliable, installable, and capable on any device. Explore the history of PWAs from the earliest building blocks to modern capabilities, what success looks like for companies that start down this journey, and look forward to what their future holds.
JavaScript You’ve got a new mission ahead of you: to develop new functionalities for this old project that nobody has known about for 4 years! Obviously, there’s no documentation and no idea of which dependencies to install. Let’s see how Docker can simplify our lives:
- Docker Compose for quick access to external deps
- Try to find a version of our DB that is compatible and simply upgrade it
- Pack the project with docker init like a pro
JavaScript Astro is an amazing static site generator that allows you to build fast websites with little to no production JavaScript. You can use Astro components, as we all have components from other frameworks such as React, Vue, and Svelte. In this presentation, I will introduce Astro, show you how Astro ships zero JS by default, built markdown support, Astro integrations with Tailwind, how to use React, Svelte, and Vue.
JavaScript Unit tests? Integration tests? Mocks? Stubs? Fakes? How does this apply to the web? Let's look at all the ways you can test a web app and demo all the tools you'd use. We'll live-code most tests to show you exactly what makes a good testing strategy. You'll leave with a GitHub repo you can use to keep learning or fork and use in your own PWAs.
JavaScript A new revolution is happening in React with Server Components. We can move some rendering logic on the server, enabling new patterns and redefining how we write powerful front-end for our applications. We'll explore use cases in which Server Components improve performance and maintainability, so that by the end of the talk, you’ll be ready to use Server Components to take your React experience to the next level.
JavaScript Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) is still one of the most common vulnerabilities in web applications, despite well-known and effective countermeasures. Often neglected however are XSS issues when using a Single-Page Application (SPA) framework like Angular, React, or Vue.js. We will have a look at those systems, analyze the attack surface, and look for both specific weaknesses and specific countermeasures. A must-see session if you are using SPAs.
JavaScript This is a presentation created for software developers seeking to elevate their Server-Side Rendering (SSR) game this time using Remix Framework. Remix.js is a JavaScript library that enables developers to create interactive web applications from existing code. By the end of this presentation, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and inspiration to take your SSR skills to the next level. Join us and get ready to remix your SSR journey!
JavaScript Digital experiences are not just evolving; they're undergoing a revolution. Dive into the world of composable architectures that are redefining the digital landscape. Join us for an exclusive look into the modernization journey of one of North America's largest automotive car care companies. Discover how we helped them overcome challenges, harness the power of composable architecture to streamline their infrastructure to support their 15 brands.
JavaScript You will learn about the most common security vulnerabilities in node.js and see how you can fix them with real life code examples. I'm going to bring my experience as Node.js core collaborator and member of the security working group, and we will go through some of the vulnerabilities that have been fixed in the past.
JavaScript useSignal() is a revolution in state management. It is a more reactive, performant, and scalable way to manage state than traditional methods. By learning how to use useSignal(), you can take your state management skills to the next level.

This conference will explore the useSignal() technique. I will discuss topics such as:

The benefits of using useSignal()
How to use useSignal() to build dynamic and interactive web applications
JavaScript Yes, okay, ES2015 rules, and ES2017–2022 brought about a lot of cool things (most notably async/await, async iteration, optional chaining, private members), but a ton of cool stuff is expected to land in the next few years, too… and we can play with it already!

Christophe takes you through a whirlwind tour of the upcoming features he’s most excited about, due to become official in 2024, 2025… or 2026 ;-)
JavaScript Prompts are like magic spells, using words to achieve impossible effects but requiring complex rules. AI agents are like a wizard who consults spell book to cast a series of spells. AI Agents use a large language model (LLM) as a reasoning engine to determine how to interact with the outside world based on user input. Attend this session to learn how to build AI Agents in JavaScript using LangChain and other prompting techniques. Alohomora!

Explorez les 171 présentations

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