21 au 23 février, 2024
Montréal, Canada

Conférence Java et languages JVM à Montréal

Java et languages JVM In this session, the evolution of non-blocking code strategies will be explored, highlighting how they can enhance application throughput. Beginning with Java's concurrency model's inception, the discussion will cover Future/Callable, CompletableFuture, a glimpse into reactive programming, and conclude with Project Loom's introduction in Java 21.

The talk will shed light on the various approaches to writing non-blocking code.
Java et languages JVM Have you ever wondered what options are available in the Spring ecosystem to help developers define and build APIs?

In this talk, we will go over what options are available to Spring Developers to build APIs. We will cover traditional HTTP APIs as well as alternative protocols for messaging and streaming APIs. We will introduce other projects from the Spring portfolio that can enhance developer productivity in creating and consuming APIs.
Java et languages JVM Join us to explore Java's transformation into a modern, lean tool. We'll highlight its new features like flexible main methods, records, and sealed classes that boost expressiveness. We'll delve into pattern matching, Unnamed Patterns & Variables, and touch on improved concurrency with virtual threads.

The talk will unravel the misconceptions about Java being an outdated language by showcasing its transformation into a contemporary tool.
Java et languages JVM Kafka Streams is a client library for building applications and microservices, where the input and output data are stored in Kafka clusters. It combines the simplicity of writing and deploying standard Java applications on the client side with the benefits of Kafka's server-side cluster technology.
In this session, you will learn about:
DSL and Processor APIs
Demo on how to build a data streaming pipe
Java et languages JVM Project Valhalla is set to revolutionize how Java handles data objects in memory and significantly boost performance. This talk offers an exploration of Valhalla's objectives, progress, and its potential impact on the Java ecosystem with examples throughout. Come discover how Project Valhalla is on the verge of reshaping the landscape of Java, paving the way for a more efficient and high-performing future.
Java et languages JVM In this session, I’ll introduce you to Data Science using the popular Kotlin language that runs on the JVM. We'll also touch on how you can use Java if you want. We’ll do this using an interactive platform called Apache Zeppelin - similar to Jupyter Notebooks, Zeppelin allows you to write code, formatted text, and use a myriad of plugins to process, analyze, and display data.
Java et languages JVM Micronaut is a modern, JVM-based, full stack Java framework designed for building modular, easily testable JVM applications. Developed since 2018 by the creators of the Grails framework, Micronaut takes inspiration from lessons learnt over more than 10 years building frameworks and developer tools. In this talk, Micronaut committer Álvaro Sánchez-Mariscal, will demonstrate with a live coding session the developer experience of a Micronaut user
Java et languages JVM GraphQL is a declarative query language that simplifies retrieving data from an application's back end. It provides a clear and comprehensive description of the data in your API, giving you the ability to request only what you need. This makes it easy to evolve APIs over time and enables powerful developer tools.
Java et languages JVM ??Debuggers are indispensable tools for Java developers, empowering them to conquer bugs and unravel complex systems. But have you ever wondered how they work? Curious about the implementation of features like conditional breakpoints and remote debugging? Join me for a deep dive into debuggers, unlocking their secrets to maximize their potential. Gain invaluable insights and elevate your debugging game in this illuminating talk.
Java et languages JVM ZGC, Serial, Parallel, CMS, G1GC, C4, LXR, Shenandoah, OH MY!
There’s many options for a Garbage Collector in the JVM today. With more Java apps already on, or moving to the cloud, what is the best GC to use? The answer: it depends!

In this session, we’ll quickly review GC and memory usage in the JVM, then dive into scenarios where certain GC’s would be better than others. Along the way, we’ll talk about the experimental GC called LXR.
Java et languages JVM Elevate your Spring Boot application performances! Join me for an insightful presentation on performance enhancement tips. Don't miss this opportunity to optimize your Spring Boot apps for peak performance. Reserve your spot today!
Java et languages JVM Jakarta EE 11 will be the first release of Jakarta EE after the new release cadence was introduced. The goal is to release a version of Jakarta EE around six months after an LTS release of Java. With Java 21 released in September 2023, Jakarta EE 11 is scheduled to be released around summer 2024.

Come to this session to get all these questions and more answered to be prepared for Jakarta EE 11.
Java et languages JVM En septembre 2023, la nouvelle version LTS, Java 21, est sortie. Elle constitue une énorme avancée sur la précédente LTS, Java 17. Le nouveau système de multifil virtuel (virtual threads) change complètement nos habitudes.

Venez me rencontrer afin de discuter des nouvelles fonctionnalités et rester à la fine pointe de votre Java.
Java et languages JVM Au commencement, il y avait les fils d'exécution (threads) et la synchronisation. Java a lentement évolué vers des structures plus hauts niveaux. Des verrous, des executeurs, des acteurs jusqu'à fils d'exécution virtuel.

Nous allons traverser le temps et détailler toutes ces idiomes ayant pour but d'améliorer la performance de vos systèmes.
Java et languages JVM Do you always create a new Dockerfile for each new project?
Do you implement your own SSL certificate logic in this Dockerfile?
Do you forget to update your base image version?
Do you wonder how to generate a Bill Of Material to comply with your organization requirements?

Have you answered yes to any of those questions? Come and attend this talk to learn a new way to build your images, all use cases included - demos provided along the way!
Java et languages JVM In this forward-looking presentation, we will look into application observability using distributed tracing, metrics, correlated logs, exemplars and more. We will explore how the latest developments in the industry will give you a better understanding about what is going on inside of your applications using Spring Boot 3, OpenTelemetry, Grafana, Micrometer, OpenZipkin, Prometheus, OpenMetrics, and so on.
Java et languages JVM Jakarta EE 9 changed its package namespace from javax.* to jakarta.*. This may sound like a trivial change that mostly affects Jakarta EE. So, why should Spring developers care?
Attend this session to learn how to make this migration as smooth as possible. A live coding demo will take you through the steps involved, and point out where to pay special attention.

We will also briefly examine some of the changes planned for Jakarta EE 11
Java et languages JVM This presentation introduces some of the new and exciting features in Spring Boot 3.0 and beyond. One of the key highlights of Spring Boot 3.0 is the built-in AOT (Ahead of Time) support for GraalVM's native image. This groundbreaking addition revolutionizes your approach to application development and unlocks a multitude of unprecedented possibilities.
Java et languages JVM Are you looking to build robust and efficient event-driven services? In this talk, you will learn the key concepts and strategies for achieving this, including handling at-least-once message delivery, idempotent command handling, and the laws of event-driven physics. Learn how to use the laws of event-driven physics and build event-driven services that simultaneously handle large volumes of events, network failures, and multiple events.
Java et languages JVM In this talk, Micronaut committer Álvaro Sánchez-Mariscal, will demonstrate how you can quickly build optimised Microservices with Micronaut & GraalVM Native Image. Attendees will learn how the combination of GraalVM Native Image and Micronaut can lead to efficient, highly performant, and optimised applications that can be perfectly deployed to environments like Kubernetes or serverless platforms. There will be a live coding demo
Java et languages JVM Have you wondered what has been done in the Spring ecosystem since Spring Framework 6 & Spring Boot 3 were released in 2022?

This talk will explore the new features across the Spring portfolio. We will talk about JDK 21 support, virtual threads, & RestClient from Spring Framework. From Spring Boot we will describe the new Docker & Testcontainers features. We will also discuss new additions such as Spring Modulith & Spring Cloud Gateway MVC.
Java et languages JVM Profilers help to analyze performance bottlenecks of your application if you know how to use them. Getting to grips with profilers helps to understand how they work: Profilers aren't rocket science. A usable Java profiler can be written in 240 lines of pure Java code, allowing you to fix performance issues and add custom features quickly. This talk will give the fundamentals of Java profiling and an overview of existing open-source profilers.

Explorez les 171 présentations

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