21 au 23 février, 2024
Montréal, Canada

Conférence Architecture & Design Patterns 2024

Architecture & Design Patterns Discussing common anti-patterns preventing your systems from achieving an efficient level of reliability.

We will introduce reliability and then delve into common technical and organizational problems and how to prevent them.
Architecture & Design Patterns In this talk, we will introduce a novel design pattern called "micro-mind-services," inspired by neural networks, which promises to revolutionize how we build applications, particularly in conjunction with AI programming assistants.

Join me to discover this potentially groundbreaking design pattern and explore how it can transform software development in the age of AI programming assistants.
Architecture & Design Patterns Working with APIs? Great! Did you have to solve surprisingly similar issues in different projects? Did project complexity force you to break the established guidelines for structure, filtering, validation, or pagination? How often have your endpoints, versioning, and evolution stood the test of time? Let's talk about the real examples of solutions I implemented in various APIs. Smile at changing requirements thinking - I've got it!
Architecture & Design Patterns Have you ever wondered what options are available in the Spring ecosystem to help developers define and build APIs?

In this talk, we will go over what options are available to Spring Developers to build APIs. We will cover traditional HTTP APIs as well as alternative protocols for messaging and streaming APIs. We will introduce other projects from the Spring portfolio that can enhance developer productivity in creating and consuming APIs.
Architecture & Design Patterns Microservices are widely adopted, but many companies struggle to maximize their benefits. The misconception is that all parts must be deployed constantly. In reality, some require frequent updates while others remain stable.

In an upcoming talk, I'll elaborate on these insights, highlighting one can use Serverless to pragmatically design a system that allows deploying as often as you need.
Architecture & Design Patterns Modern type systems have come a long way since C. They’re no longer just about pleasing the compiler. These days they form a sub-language that helps us express ideas about software clearly & succinctly. A true design language.

So let’s take a look at how a modern type system supports talking about software. How it highlights problems, clarifies designs, and supports reuse. Most importantly, see how types can help you talk to your colleagues.
Architecture & Design Patterns GraphQL is a declarative query language that simplifies retrieving data from an application's back end. It provides a clear and comprehensive description of the data in your API, giving you the ability to request only what you need. This makes it easy to evolve APIs over time and enables powerful developer tools.
Architecture & Design Patterns Danger, Will Robinson! Don’t deploy on Friday! Maybe your team's or company's policy?

Join me as I share from my experience. Using examples from my work on multiple real world projects, I’ll discuss resilience and operability, deployment strategies, pipelines and continuous testing. Discover the details of trunk based development, feature toggles, pair programming and other best practices and gain the confidence to deploy any day of the week!
Architecture & Design Patterns Les monolithes sont mauvais et les microservices sont le meilleur moyen d’atteindre un combo parfait de maintenabilité et d’évolutivité infinie, n'est-ce pas? Aucune décision architecturale n'est parfaite mais une conception basée sur la hype (ou les buzzwords) est probablement la pire option. Et pour votre app existante ou votre nouveau projet révolutionnaire? Découper un monolithe n'est peut-être pas la solution, et si on l'apprivoisait plutôt?
Architecture & Design Patterns In this talk we will discuss the pros and cons of going microservice.

Marian will dive into benefits and issues with the microservice design, and probably clear the picture for you, regarding your next project or scaling your current one.
Architecture & Design Patterns In the whirlwind journey of co-founding and eventually selling a startup over six years, navigating the maze of tech decisions was one of our most critical tasks. This talk delves into the choices we made, striking a balance between the latest tech trends and our own experiences. Curious about how product-market-fit relates to your tech stack, or wondering if you should chase the latest hyped technology?
Architecture & Design Patterns Inheriting a legacy code can be a daunting challenge. However, taking control of a legacy codebase can be very empowering.

Let's delve into strategies and practical techniques that enable you to reclaim your power over legacy codebases. From understanding the codebase's history, identifying pain points, and formulating a plan of attack, we’ll explore methods for transforming the tangled mess into a well-structured, maintainable system.
Architecture & Design Patterns Dans la présentation «Open Api rendu facile grace à TypeSpec », nous nous penchons sur l’intégration d’Open API et de TypeSpec pour rationaliser la documentation de l’API. L’importance de l’API ouverte dans l’architecture logicielle contemporaine est soulignée, suivie par les défis de la documentation manuelle traditionnelle des API. TypeSpec apparaît comme une solution, automatisant la génération de spécifications et réduisant les écarts, assur
Architecture & Design Patterns Les services et micro-services sont parmi nous depuis un moment déjà mais sont souvent perçus comme une solution magique à tous les problèmes. Tout n’est pas rose au pays des licornes et créer un nouveau micro-service peut être un exercice demandant. Découvrez les défis que présente de composer avec un monolithe comportant plusieurs interdépendances, du refactor de celui-ci à l’ajustement des tests en passant par les protocoles de communication.
Architecture & Design Patterns Sagas are commonly used when you have a distributed system but need to handle its behavior in an atomic manner. However, it is easy to get lured and use it when it is not necessary and introduces unnecessary complexity.

In this session I will introduce the concept of a saga and guide the audience through a decision-making process to determine if it is the right choice for you, and what should be part of it.
Architecture & Design Patterns Secrets, they are widely used in all of our applications. Be it connectionstrings, credentials, API keys and so on. Obviously we don't want these in our source control systems. But where do we put them? How do we change them between environments?
In this session I will show the different approaches provided by .NET. We will take a look at options for your own machine, team shared or cloud-based.
Let's put an end to secrets in source control!
Architecture & Design Patterns Mature software applications often need to perform tasks "behind the scenes," ranging from simple actions like sending emails to more complex operations such as processing files. What's the best way to implement background services in .NET? This talk aims to take you through several processes that allow you to do work in the background. We'll cover the pros and cons of different approaches and leave you with actionable advice on what to use.
Architecture & Design Patterns Technical debt is only visible when it's too late. The developer who did the "work" is long gone. But you're here and you're here to stay. You'll be fixing the whole damn thing even if you have to do it all yourself. In this talk we'll discuss how to take those first critical steps in reducing technical debt, how to "sell" people on it and key technical advice to keep an even footing.
Architecture & Design Patterns Digital experiences are not just evolving; they're undergoing a revolution. Dive into the world of composable architectures that are redefining the digital landscape. Join us for an exclusive look into the modernization journey of one of North America's largest automotive car care companies. Discover how we helped them overcome challenges, harness the power of composable architecture to streamline their infrastructure to support their 15 brands.
Architecture & Design Patterns The Evolution of a MySQL database, from a single instance to HA with Disaster Recovery.
In this session, we cover the different deployment possibilities of the MySQL architecture depending on the business requirements for the data. We deploy some architectures and see how to evolve to the next one. The attendees will learn how to migrate from single instance to High Availability with Data Recovery across Data Centers with the minimal downtime
Architecture & Design Patterns Back in 2021 we embarked in journey that many dream of, but few actually are able to attain. This is, the migration of a legacy system into a modern stack. In this presentation I would like to introduce the thought process and the different tools and milestones we have gone through to achieve our goal. How we were able to put together a mass migration tool compatible with strict SLAs and two ISO certifications, while still serving product.
Architecture & Design Patterns Are you looking to build robust and efficient event-driven services? In this talk, you will learn the key concepts and strategies for achieving this, including handling at-least-once message delivery, idempotent command handling, and the laws of event-driven physics. Learn how to use the laws of event-driven physics and build event-driven services that simultaneously handle large volumes of events, network failures, and multiple events.
Architecture & Design Patterns Écrire une fois lire souvent (Write once read many). Arrêter de redécouvrir ce que vous aviez déjà imaginé. Dans cette présentation nous allons vois 5 façons efficace et peu coûteuse d’améliorer votre code. Vous devriez vous attarder à rendre votre code plus facile à lire pour éviter que les prochains perdent leur temps à le comprendre. Vous sortirez de cette session avec des conseils utiles pour accomplir cette tâche.
Architecture & Design Patterns Clean architecture is the reference for decoupled and maintainable enterprise applications. But, it can be difficult to navigate code and to debug. Vertical Slice Architecture simplify code organization and meets the same goals. In this talk, the principals differences will be shown by looking at code samples.
Architecture & Design Patterns Have you wondered what has been done in the Spring ecosystem since Spring Framework 6 & Spring Boot 3 were released in 2022?

This talk will explore the new features across the Spring portfolio. We will talk about JDK 21 support, virtual threads, & RestClient from Spring Framework. From Spring Boot we will describe the new Docker & Testcontainers features. We will also discuss new additions such as Spring Modulith & Spring Cloud Gateway MVC.
Architecture & Design Patterns Domain-driven design proponents champion aggregate roots and entity-bound logic. While suitable for complex models, the web realm differs: we often load a partial model, modify, and save. Attend this session for insights on crafting a domain model tailored to web needs within a hexagonal architecture framework.

Explorez les 171 présentations

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