26 au 28 février, 2020
Hôtel Bonaventure

What is going on? Application diagnostics with Azure

We all like building and deploying applications. But what happens once that’s done? How do we know if our application behaves like we expect it to behave? Of course, logging! But how do we get that data off of our machines? How do we sift through a bunch of seemingly meaningless diagnostics? In this session, we’ll look at how we can keep track of our application using concepts like structured logging and Azure Application Insights.

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Maarten Balliauw


Maarten Balliauw loves building web and cloud apps. His main interests are in .NET web technologies, C#, Microsoft Azure and application performance. He is Developer Advocate at JetBrains, and formerly founded MyGet. Maarten is a frequent speaker at various national and international events and organizes Azure User Group events in Belgium. In his free time, he brews his own beer. Maarten’s blog can be found at https://blog.maartenballiauw.be.

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