February 28 - March 1, 2013
Montreal, Canada

Architecture Conference 2013

Architecture In this session we’ll take a tour of all the various technologies that web developers & architects need to consider when putting together a Microsoft-based web application. From UI code libraries, to developer tooling, to server/cloud options & features, to considerations for performance & security, we’ll explore Microsoft web dev here in 2013.
Architecture There is legacy code. And there is this shiny new architecture, that would make your life easier. Unfortunately, starting from scratch is not an option, and refactoring old code bears unpredictable risks. This session shows concepts and strategies to implement bridge technologies that close the gap between old and new code and architectures.
Architecture Alan Turing asked "Can machines think?". Thinking, that's easy! Even my dishwasher can do that (it's a really smart dishwasher). How about we try something harder and push into a new area of AI: "Can machines be creative?". We will explore the history of creative machines and examine examples of machine artists & the algorithms that make them tick
Architecture Dealing with lots of data can be daunting, if not done well it can affect the performance of your applications. Data has business value though and can't be ignored.

Storing it, dealing with it and mining it have huge rewards and can be fun. I'll cover some theory but the emphasis will be on the practical.
Architecture So you have moved your business logic out of your MVC controllers, and into domain objects. Then, the business rules change. How can we adapt business objects, while deliberately breaking backwards compatibility? What is the best way to represent business logic in PHP after all? This talk introduces some lightweight approaches.
Architecture Ceci est une session de live coding. Nous verrons qu'il est possible de partir de code legacy, d'y ajouter des fonctionnalités et de le déployer sur le Cloud. Ce sera l'occasion de découvrir des techniques de refactoring et de TDD adaptées à du legacy.
Challenge supplémentaire, chaque étape doit être faite de la façon la plus simple possible.
Architecture ES provides an easy path to full-text search, synonyms, faceting, and geographic math, but there's a paucity of written wisdom beyond its API docs. This talk provides a survey of its capabilities and dives into the practical tradeoffs in a high-volume ES system, from indexing structures to the realities of deployment. Outline: http://bit.ly/OQxMje
Architecture Programming is hard, but we can magnify our efforts with excellent API design. Let’s explore how, as we consider compactness, orthogonality, consistency, safety, coupling, state handling, layering, and more, illustrated with practical examples (and gruesome mistakes!) from several popular Python libraries.
Architecture Using Eric Ries' Lean Startup approach depends on validated learning. As a result, you need to measure everything the user does. Learn patterns, strategies, off-the-shelf and custom solutions based on actual experience from Food on the Table as it has grown from the first customer to over 1.5 million registered web and mobile users.
Architecture En tant que développeur, vous savez que votre tâche n'est pas toujours facile. Les modèles de conception (design patterns) sont une façon d'éviter de faire des erreurs ou de résoudre des problèmes que d'autres programmeurs ont déjà vécus précédemment. Cette présentation aura pour tâche de vous en présenter quelques uns à l'aide d'exemples concrets.
Architecture Découvrez Play2, un outil open-source qui permet de construire des applications webs orientées temps réelle et réactive. Cette présentation d'architecture web s'appuie sur la plateforme Zaptravel. Vous découvrirez un "vrai" projet sur lequel nous utilisons Scala/Java et Play2. Au programme : du code, des démonstrations et un retour d'experience.
Architecture In the modern world of scaling web applications, queues have become a go-to for increasing performance by parallelizing and backgrounding heavy duty tasks. Learn practical usages of queues through beanstalkd.
Architecture Making your web application scale is always tough. This talk is a discussion & overview of the typical ways to scale LAMP apps in the past, and how you can now do this more easily on the cloud, specifically using Amazon Web Services such as EC2, RDS, S3 and more. AWS has a rich feature set that makes having a scalable app easier than ever before.
Architecture Let's slice up the silex microframework and see how it looks like on the
inside. In this session I will dive into the source and show you how silex
ties together a bunch of Symfony2 components. The principles followed by these
components allow for great flexibility and generally apply to any software.

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