February 28 - March 1, 2013
Montreal, Canada


Advanced PHP Training

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Three industry-leading PHP consultants demonstrate iterative software development using state-of-the-art tools and methods in this highly interactive and entertaining two-day training event. A fictitious company named MESS (MESsage System) is used to tell the story of a startup that has millions of potential users and struggles with the usual problems such as scalability and security in a market where you have to be agile in order to adapt to changing requirements rapidly.

Attendees of this training will witness the development of a mobile messaging service platform from the requirements stage through software development and all the way into operations and maintenance. Every development step will be explained in-depth while an application is developed live in front of the audience.

Over the course of two days, three development sprints (or iterations) of software development will be performed. Each sprint will showcase problems from a different phase of the application's lifecycle. At the end of each sprint we will deploy working software into production and look back at what we did in an agile retrospective.

The topics covered include: application architecture, API design, OOP, test automation, security, and deployment. Instead of textbook examples, real-life problems and solution are discussed. Take advantage of this uniquely intense form of knowledge transfer at an unbeatable cost-to-benefit ratio.

Sécurité Web PHP - de l'exploitation à la correction

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Cet atelier amènera le participant à expérimenter avec les différents risques du développement PHP à l'aide d'exemples pratiques exécutés dans un environnement virtuel. Le tout sera transmis avec une emphase sur l'impact d'une attaque, puisque chaque vulnérabilité sera exploitée. L'objectif final est donc d'apprendre comment briser et réparer une application Web PHP dans la réalité d'aujourd'hui.

Le participant cible est parmi les développeurs PHP qui ne sont pas déjà conscient des méthodes sécuritaires et/ou veulent un aperçu de la perspective d'un attaquant.

À la fin de la formation, le participant sera en mesure de comprendre la mécanique d'une attaque réelle, d'identifier le code fautif, d'en évaluer l'impact et d'appliquer les corrections nécessaires.

PHP Web Security - From Exploitation to Correction

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This workshop will lead the participant to experiment with the different risks of programming in PHP with practical examples executed in a simulated environment. All of this workshop's information will be transmitted with an emphasis on the impact of an attack, because each vulnerability will be exploited. The final goal is to learn how to break and fix a PHP Web application in today's reality.

The target attendee is a PHP developer that is not already aware of security methods and/or want to have an overview of the attacker's perspective.

By the end of the training, the participant will be able to understand the mechanics of a real attack, to identify the flawed code, to evaluate the impact and to apply the necessary corrections.

Practical Symfony2

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The "Practical Symfony2" workshop will help you get started with the Symfony2 full stack framework. From the installation to more advanced features like security and HTTP caching, you will learn how to develop web applications with Symfony2.

The first day will focus on the basic concepts including framework installation, bundles creation, HTTP request handling, routing, session management and templating with Twig.

The second day will focus on some more advanced tools like HTTP caching, service container, authentication, functional testing, forms and validation.

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