February 24-26, 2016
Montreal, Canada

Montreal .NET Conference

.NET Les tests unitaires font maintenant parti de nos pratiques courantes de développement. Par contre, ils sont encore trop souvent considérés comme du code de second ordre, écrit rapidement après le développement. Dans cette présentation je vais montrer quelques astuces pour que vos tests soient faciles à comprendre, rapides, indépendants et ne testent qu'une seule chose. Les démonstrations sont en C# mais applicables avec d'autres langages.
.NET The Comprehensive Kerbal Archive Network (CKAN) is a free and open source, cross-platform mod manager for Kerbal Space Program, with hundreds of contributors, tens of thousands of users, and success metrics measured in decades of human joy delivered; but it wasn't just chance success.

We will examine how to help maximize your open source project's chance of success from the beginning, with a focus on community building and contributor growth.
.NET For years, due to the nature of C# projects, C# developers were confined to Visual Studio as their only IDE, and Windows as their only development OS.

Recently, community-driven initiatives such as OmniSharp or scriptcs, have helped developers shrug off the VS chains, and liberate themselves - to develop C# in any editor, on any platform.

In this talk we'll explore them and learn how lightweight .NET application development can be.
.NET Cross platform development is all the rage, and thanks to Xamarin, you can develop mobile apps that target multiple platforms. Have you also thought about targeting markets where English is not the primary language? Join me in this session as we explore the various localization strategies that you can incorporate in your Xamarin native and Xamarin.Forms applications which will help prepare your applications for the global marketplace!
.NET General-purpose computing on the GPU (GPGPU) is no longer the domain of pure academic research. It is being used in real-world applications such as image processing and face recognition, cryptography, big data analysis, and Bitcoin mining. In this session we will examine the available GPGPU frameworks, learn how to integrate GPU processing into our regular .NET and Java applications, and see demonstrations of some interesting GPGPU use-cases.
.NET This talk takes a tour through a number of open source initiatives that only exist out there because of the new .NET compiler - Roslyn. It is single-handedly responsible for a whole wave of new and wonderful .NET OSS projects, and enables, and empowers, .NET developers to work with with some very exciting scenarios and possibilities. Learn why it is so important for the ecosystem and how you too, could become a part of the Roslyn wave of changes.
.NET Speed is king on mobile devices, embedded systems, and even run-of-the-mill desktop applications that need to start up quickly and deliver good performance on low-power machines. In this talk we will review a collection of practical tips you can use today to make your .NET applications faster. We will talk about choosing the right collection, improving startup times, reducing memory pressure, and many other techniques for improving performance.
.NET If you could drop a box of TNT on the ASP.NET stack and start over, what would it look like? Fewer dependencies, faster builds and viewing changes without compiling? Check! A composable, injectable, self-hostable stack? Check! The MVC 6 Framework has several new features, but these aren’t only skin-deep. In this session we’ll walk through the MVC pipeline, expose the new parts and discuss what the changes mean to real-world developers.
.NET Developers now have a great, open source library for implementing real time communication solutions. SignalR is a cool, real-time library that simplifies and abstracts all the complexities and can be used across web, mobile and desktop applications. Join Christos Matskas as he shows you how to get started with SignalR and leverage this amazing, community-driven library to provide real-time experiences for your users.
.NET Would you like to learn how to create intuitive, powerful apps that can run across multiple devices? With the new unified Windows platform and Universal apps, it is now easier than ever to write code that is re-usable, modular and responsive. Join Christos Matskas as he shows you how to get started with application development using the new Universal Apps project template and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of this approach.

Explore all 151 sessions

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