February 24-26, 2016
Montreal, Canada

Montreal JavaScript Conference

JavaScript Thanks to the wide adoption and availability of WebGL across browsers (including those on mobile) we get control of the full graphics pipeline.

After understanding WebGL basics and the render pipeline, you'll learn what Three.js brings to the table and you'll get a live coding demonstration you can code along to in which we'll build a 3D web app from the ground up with all elements: Lighting, loading 3D models and keyboard/mouse controls
JavaScript With the high demand of data analytics, this presentation will focus on how to build an analytics dashboard with Flask and the HighCharts API. First, we will look at how to set up a basic Flask app with an elegant UI using Bootstrap. Then, we will look at how to use the HighCharts API and integrate some graphs. Finally, well deploy the app to Heroku and discuss advanced topics such as database for dynamic chart update, security, and other APIs!
JavaScript Love the idea of React and Flux but don’t know how to start? Or perhaps still working out deep angry feelings about mixing javascript code and presentation markup in the same file in a real project? This presentation is for you, friend: we’re gonna tackle how to go from mockups and requirements, to a real architecture of reusable, highly efficient components.
JavaScript Data is everywhere, and much of our work as developers is to present it in a way that is useful, usable, and desirable. In this talk, I will walk through some practical examples of using Python's superb data processing capabilities to churn through datasets, and use D3 in your presentation layer to display interactive, beautiful infographics.
JavaScript Features from ECMAScript 6 have been in browsers since early 2012. We’ve seen ES6 syntax used in talks for compact code, but can it really be used right now for cross-browser compatible production code? Let’s uncover a broad range of new features, like arrow functions, rest parameters, and generators, that will have you itching to start developing your favorite app in ES6.
JavaScript Utilisées par des compagnies telle qu'Adobe, Twitter et jQuery, Gulp et Grunt vous permettrons d'automatiser des tâches récurrentes liées au développement Web. Comprenez les différences entre Gulp et Grunt. Apprenez à automatiser les tâches récurrentes et découvrez les possibilités de Gulp (Validation et compression de JavaScripts avec JSHint et Uglify, Compilation CSS avec SASS et Compass, Synchronisation de navigateurs avec Browser Sync, etc.)
JavaScript Real time notifications are becoming the norm for getting updates to consumers. Socket.IO is built on Node.js and allows developers to send real time data from the backend servers to the client. I will be focusing on using Socket.IO within a web application to provide real time notifications to your client.
JavaScript Something terrible happened here. Traces of errors litter the floor; memory leaking from cracks in the ceiling. Someone lost their object context in the corner. Everything reeks of jank. In this session, a JavaScript error tracking expert breaks down a series of common and complex crimes against web applications. You’ll leave the session armed with techniques and tools to detect, diagnose, and fix your JavaScript web applications.
JavaScript It’s hard to tell when a new component of an SPA was requested as a result of an intentional user action or something else. Add on the various ways of building SPAs, ranging from raw XHR to Angular, Backbone, and sometimes all of the above, and you have an interesting problem in traffic analysis.

Find out how boomerang measures the performance of SPAs in a way that works for real websites.
JavaScript Web and mobile apps shouldn't stop working when there's no network connection. Based on Apache CouchDB, PouchDB is an open source syncing JavaScript database that runs within a web browser. Offline-first apps built using PouchDB can provide a better, faster user experience—both offline and online. Learn how to use the HTML5 Offline Application Cache, PouchDB, and CouchDB to build offline-enabled web and mobile apps.
JavaScript From start to finish, a simple HTML5 game can be designed and developed in less than one hour. With a dose of creativity, the conceivable styles and scenarios are limitless. In this session, learn how to apply object-oriented JavaScript programming techniques to create instant web games with custom graphic sprites and the CreateJS code library.
JavaScript Nowadays, more and more things are getting connected on the Internet. It is now easier than it has ever been to automate some stuff around your house. It's nice to have a button to control lights from your phone but what if you wanted to add some more advanced interactions with your other connected devices. Using WinkJS, a wrapper around the Wink ecosystem APIs, the attendees will learn how to make their smart home smarter.
JavaScript More and more, people seem to be obsessed with real-time data. But what does real-time mean in the world of REST servers and one-way communication? Most modern web applications are now either displaying a snapshot of data at a given time or use a polling mechanism to update series of data at a given interval.
In this talk, you will learn about the power of WebSockets and how they can (and should!) be used in your modern web applications.
JavaScript Writing unit tests is a time-consuming chore; but it is necessary before we can fix bugs or develop new features. Testing AngularJS code in particular requires a lot of boilerplate. In this presentation I will show a simple helper library can remove all the extra code and allow to unit test code in seconds.
JavaScript We have been using JavaScript toolkits like jQuery to make manipulating the DOM easier. New features in HTML5 & CSS3 should’ve made old development strategies obsolete, and yet we’re still using jQuery to do things better suited for HTML5 & CSS3. Why? Well, old habits die hard. In this session let’s look at ways we used to build interactivity in JavaScript and see how we can transform them into more optimal solutions using plain old HTML and CSS.

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