February 22-24, 2023
Montreal, Canada

Montreal DevOps Conference

DevOps When adding observability to existing production apps, there are a number of tradeoffs in approaches.
We added observability to open source NGINX MARA, addressing challenges while keeping to open source solutions whenever possible. Learn from our experience in observability in production class apps.
Come learn from our experience in dealing with OpenTelemetry and related tools.
DevOps One of the first steps organizations take when adopting DevOps principles is to use automated testing of application code.

In this session, we'll see how to use Pester to integrate automated testing into the infrastructure lifecycle.

At the end of this session, you will have all the elements in hand to start testing your infrastructures! :)
DevOps Kafka Streams is a client library for building applications and microservices, where the input and output data are stored in Kafka clusters. It combines the simplicity of writing and deploying standard Java applications on the client side with the benefits of Kafka's server-side cluster technology.
In this session, you will learn about:
DSL and Processor APIs
Demo on how to build a data streaming pipe
DevOps Buildpacks have been around for more than 10 years!
First they were used to detect and build an app before deploying it to a couple of PaaS.
Then we could create Docker (OCI) images with them.
Are they a good alternative to the Dockerfile?
Who's supporting them and how?
Come and find out during this session that will feature demos along the way!
DevOps Dapr is a runtime that facilitates the development of distributed and event-driven applications often associated to microservices architectures. Through its building blocks and components, it allows developers to externalize several elements of complexity and works with any language. You won't have to worry about retry loops, proprietary SDKs and protocols, and observability.
DevOps In this presentation, we will explore this seemingly simple aspect of working with database in details. We will talk about how to group queries together in the meaningful way so you’re not overwhelmed with amount of details but find the right queries to focus on. When you should focus on tuning specific queries or when it is better to focus on tuning the database. We will also look at other ways to minimize user facing response time.
DevOps The process of replacing your code with a new version can be tricky. In this talk, I will present strategies to deploy your code without interrupting the application, including how to handle database schema changes without breaking running code.
DevOps The idea of isolating services into containers revolutionized the IT world. And while containers are here to stay, most container images in use today are gigantic in size, contain unnecessary even dangerous components or generally are shipping a lot of bloat. And with that killing the very idea of containerization.

Shall we put our containers on a diet, avoid security problems, and, while doing so, even reduce build times? This talk shows how!
DevOps Now that the app is running in Kubernetes, how do we scale it to meet demand? What metric should we use? CPU? Requests? something else? Let's dig into why we auto-scale, and how we auto-scale with lots of examples. Finally we'll look at potential pitfalls and gotchas like how to scale to 0 and how to avoid scaling too big for your budget. Come learn how to scale with Kubernetes.
DevOps There are lots of caching solutions out there, each with their own specific features and implementation.

However, HTTP already has conventional caching mechanisms that are built into the protocol.

We'll talk about TTL control, cache variations, conditional requests, stale data, revalidation, error handling, surrogate control, HTTP placeholders, range requests and many other performance techniques that will make your website go faster.
DevOps Kubernetes makes it easy and reliable to deploy and run your services. But just deploying your web application is not enough in order to run it in a highly available and reliable way. You also need to care about databases, backups, monitoring, alerting, tracing, log management, security, DNS, load-balancing, TLS certificates, CI/CD pipelines, deployment strategies.
In this talk I'll show live, how you can set all of this up within 60 minutes.
DevOps It's not just stock market charts that have patterns. Your application memory also has patterns. In this session, you are going to learn 6 unique memory patterns. Using these patterns, you can *predict* application outages well in advance and also optimize the application's performance.
DevOps Backups are important! Everyone makes mistakes, bugs are easily overlooked, hardware will fail eventually. If you don't want to lose data when disaster strikes, your backups will be your saviour. In this talk I will guide you through some of the most common backup techniques for MySQL that we use in 2023. I will explain the strengths and weaknesses of each solution.
DevOps Vous livrez des bugs dès que vous touchez au code? Vous êtes stressés lorsque vous livrez en production? Vous subissez certainement votre dette technique. Mais qu'est-ce que la dette technique? Quels en sont les impacts? Comment l'éviter et minimiser le temps à investir dessus? Vous découvrirez des clefs pour mieux gérer votre dette technique. Avec notamment des outils comme Renovate ou Openrewrite.
DevOps 2022 was an exciting year in the open source database industry, with more choice, more cloud, and key changes in the industry. We will dive into the key developments over 2022 and new ones of 2023, including the most important open-source database software releases in general, the significance of cloud-native solutions in a multi-vendor, multi-cloud world, the new criticality of security challenges, and the evolution of the open source industry.
DevOps Open source projects are often driven by the need to scratch a software itch. But while innovative, exciting and available, they may not be ready for prime-time, especially in your applications. You should consider the impact of using just any project in your code or environment. That’s where tools such as maturity models can help you understand the risk/reward of projects from different dimensions like stability, activity and support.
DevOps Kubernetes makes it easy to deploy, manage and monitor your cloud native applications. Security can be a challenge in such a dynamic, containerised environment, though. Ensuring that your containers are not containing vulnerabilities is vital throughout the complete supply chain, from development and CI through deployment and admission controls to security at runtime.
In this talk you will see how you can secure you containers.
DevOps DNS is one of the few systems that we, developers, use everyday, regardless of our technical stack. On the other hand, it is probably one of the most widespread systems of which we only know the surface.

In this talk, we’ll dive into DNS core principles using tools that allow us to explore and learn about how it *really* works. We’ll also take a look at a few implementations and use cases for DNS that have become popular in the latest years.
DevOps Aussi commun que cela puisse paraître, presque chaque entreprise met en œuvre l'authentification d'une manière différente (souvent complexe). Dans cette session, nous aurons un aperçu des multiples méthodes classiques d'authentification et verrons comment nous pouvons la moderniser en utilisant un projet open source.
DevOps How we look at incidents, risks & safety is changing, both in- and outside our industry. And there is a lot of exciting research done in the field of safety science.

This talk will give an introductory overview of topics like Safety I & Safety II, systems thinking, human error & human factors, resilience engineering and adaptive organizations, as well as a series of literature tips to continue your learning journey.
DevOps Our natural approach to microservice testing is with all services integrated during the testing phase. This mindset is opposed to the essence of microservices, independently deployable units.

During this presentation, we will go through an emerging testing technique that reduces our need to integrate service before deploying into production, contract testing with a collaboration flow between teams.
DevOps Docker made containerization popular and lead the way to what many see as modern DevOps. But today Docker is far from the only or even best means to run your containers! This talk will introduce you to podman, the Docker alternative that does not require you to sacrifice security, offers best in class Systemd integration and even plays nicely with kubernetes. Are you ready to have a look?

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