February 22-24, 2023
Montreal, Canada

Montreal .NET Conference

.NET Il est naturel de programmer un Microcontrôleur en C++ ou même en Python. Mais saviez-vous qu'il est aussi possible de le faire en C# en utilisant le .Net nanoFramework? Nous verrons les avantages et inconvénients de le faire et, à l'aide d'un contrôleur ESP32, nous verrons des exemples de ce qu'il est possible de faire à l'aide de ce language de programmation plus moderne.
.NET Genetic Algorithms are based on the ideas of natural selection and genetics. They are commonly used to generate high-quality optimization and search solutions. This branch of Artificial Intelligence provides a search with historical data to direct the inquiry into the region of better performance in solution space. Learn how to develop and use this type of AI for real-world problems and solutions using C# and .NET on your favorite cloud platform.
.NET Learn how Dapper, a micro-ORM, can improve efficiency and give you complete control over SQL to C# object mapping without the complexity of larger ORMs like EF and nHibernate in this session.
.NET Data Collections play an essential role in our applications. How we manage our data can be crucial to their overall performance.

In this presentation, we want to introduce DynamicData, a library that allows developers to bring the power of Reactive Extensions (Rx) to collections.

We will also show how we can leverage DynamicData in our .NET applications.
.NET What's that in the sky? Is it a plane? Is it WCF? No it's better. It's gRPC that's now natively supported in ASP.NET Core. It's more efficient than any API technique you've ever used and it's is way, way faster. That makes it very suitable for communication between microservices.
In this session I'm talking about what gRPC is but also how you can implement it right away in any ASP.NET Core application.
.NET One of the perks of joining Microsoft's Azure SQL team is being granted the opportunity to learn about inner workings of SQL Server.

Frankly, not only did I learn them, but I'm happy to share them!

We will talk about Pages, Extents, Indexes, Transactions and how it all works under the hood.

Oh, and did I mention that lots of it is true for other Relational DBs as well?
.NET In 1989, Nintendo released their first handheld console with cartridges, the Game Boy, which sold over 100 million of units. This device has been the inspiration for game developers around the world to start creating games.
Enter the world of emulation, where the Game Boy is now available as a .NET 6 project. Want to know more about how to emulate a CPU, graphical unit and more? Let's dive into dusty hardware manuals and C# code!
.NET Predicting the future is not easy! Forecasting peak operating conditions and avoiding unexpected equipment breakdown is possible, that's the goal of Predictive Maintenance. Attend this session and learn how to train a machine learning model in Visual Studio with ML.NET Model Builder, and build an app that uses the model. Fair warning - I cannot predict how live demos would go. I will do my best.
.NET There are countless conversations about performance. How many requests per second can a web app handle? What's the average response time of a request? For the most part, all of these are vanity metrics.

This session will discuss the architecture and strategy for a real-ti
.NET Last year we have build an application for web and mobile using as much code sharing as possible between Xamarin Forms and Blazor. Come learn about our successes, our failures and how different things would've been if MAUI had been released a year earlier.
.NET .NET 7 is here! Together with .NET 6 it has been some very exciting releases. Let's dive into some C# 11 goodness, explore the breaking changes, new additions to LINQ, MAUI and much more!
.NET On November 8, 2022 .NET 7 was released. As a part of this new version with 1.5 years of support, the web frameworks ASP.NET Core and Blazor were updated. This session will showcase the major new features that were added, including many live demos. Especially when currently using .NET 6, an upgrade to .NET 7 is optional, so you should know whether the new possibilities are worth the migration.

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