February 21-23, 2024
Montreal, Canada

Montreal .NET Conference

.NET In this session, we'll unravel the hidden magic behind nullability syntax and annotations, unleashing the power of static analysis. But hold on, it's not as simple as a sprinkle of ? and ! here and there. We'll delve into the depths and discover that it's no silver bullet either.

Come along on a journey through the essentials of C# nullability, and let's explore techniques and approaches for integrating it into your existing code bases.
.NET In this talk, we will take a look at what CQRS (short for Command-Query Responsibility Segregation) is, how we can implement it in C# and how it can greatly help us improving code readability and testability.
.NET In this practical and demo-driven approach, we will explore invaluable tips and tricks of the debugger tools available in JetBrains Rider, such as smart step-into, dependent breakpoints, the immediate window, and more. You will also learn new ways to use the IDE's debugger in your everyday work. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your bug hunting skills and take your software debugging journey to the next level!
.NET In this talk we'll have a comprehensive look at the most common security risks that affect mobile applications according to the Open Web Application Security Project, with interesting code samples in C#, as well as some tips and tricks on how to prepare our app to walk around each potential security risk.
.NET Ever wondered how far we can push MAUI? How about porting Doom into a .NET cross-plaform version?

It all started with: "hey I'm porting Doom to C#, want to have a go at getting it to run on MAUI?".
Couple of months later and Doom was running on my phone as a fully playable game!

In this session I'll explain the limits I've run into, the workarounds, and how much code we can share between the WPF and MAUI versions of Doom.
.NET Join us for a whirlwind tour of 30 advanced tips to supercharge your .NET expertise. It is guaranteed to have something for .NET newbies and even old pros. Let's learn together!
.NET In an increasingly interconnected world, creating applications with global appeal necessitates a deep understanding and implementation of internationalization. This talk delves into leveraging ASP.NET 8’s advanced services and middleware to localize applications across diverse languages and cultures, thereby widening your app’s reach beyond English-speaking users.
.NET Unraveling the mystery of embeddings from Large Language Models, this talk explores their mathematical foundations and applications. It goes beyond chat and analytics, demonstrating their operational use in C#. Tools like Cosine similarity and clustering are used for comparison. This talk is ideal for developers, but also valuable for data scientists, and those curious about the math behind machine learning and natural language processing.
.NET Regular expressions allow for fast and accurate pattern matching and manipulation, but it's easy to view them as dense, dark magic, but they don't have to be!

In this talk for all skill levels and platforms, we'll examine some regexp fundamentals, but also the most important tools for beautiful, reusable regexps, including comments, meaningful whitespace, pattern naming, live debugging, and testing. Your regexps can be beautiful and readable!
.NET In the past months, AI has disrupted everything. It changed the way we interact with computers, the way we work and it created a whole new set of opportunities.

But how can you take advantage of AI in your existing applications? With Azure AI services, you can easily integrate AI capabilities into your existing applications, taking them to the next level.

Join me in this session to see how we can do this.
.NET Dans la présentation «Open Api rendu facile grace à TypeSpec », nous nous penchons sur l’intégration d’Open API et de TypeSpec pour rationaliser la documentation de l’API. L’importance de l’API ouverte dans l’architecture logicielle contemporaine est soulignée, suivie par les défis de la documentation manuelle traditionnelle des API. TypeSpec apparaît comme une solution, automatisant la génération de spécifications et réduisant les écarts, assur
.NET Secrets, they are widely used in all of our applications. Be it connectionstrings, credentials, API keys and so on. Obviously we don't want these in our source control systems. But where do we put them? How do we change them between environments?
In this session I will show the different approaches provided by .NET. We will take a look at options for your own machine, team shared or cloud-based.
Let's put an end to secrets in source control!
.NET Mature software applications often need to perform tasks "behind the scenes," ranging from simple actions like sending emails to more complex operations such as processing files. What's the best way to implement background services in .NET? This talk aims to take you through several processes that allow you to do work in the background. We'll cover the pros and cons of different approaches and leave you with actionable advice on what to use.
.NET In this session, we'll delve deep into the best ways to make unit testing for .NET applications a walk in the park, by implementing some simple tips and tricks that will allow you to write less code and cover more test cases.
.NET Écrire une fois lire souvent (Write once read many). Arrêter de redécouvrir ce que vous aviez déjà imaginé. Dans cette présentation nous allons vois 5 façons efficace et peu coûteuse d’améliorer votre code. Vous devriez vous attarder à rendre votre code plus facile à lire pour éviter que les prochains perdent leur temps à le comprendre. Vous sortirez de cette session avec des conseils utiles pour accomplir cette tâche.
.NET By the time of the conference, .NET 8 will have been released. Just like each even version, the new release will be under a 3 year long term support, so many applications are expected to be upgraded. The presenter has worked with .NET 8 since the first pre-release version, with mostly joy, and sometimes minor frustration. In this session, we will take a look at the top new features: what has been missing for a long time and is now available.

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