February 21-23, 2024
Montreal, Canada

Montreal DevOps Conference

DevOps Everything and everyone fails all of the time. Failure is always an option, it's how you respond that matters! Let's discover how failure can be an opportunity to learn and improve. Join me on a journey to know more about pain, happy little accidents, trial and error, adaptive capacity, failing safely, learning organizations, and resilience. It's time to start embracing failure!
DevOps Opérer un logiciel basé sur du machine learning peut impliquer de gérer un parc de modèles conséquent. Expérimentations, modèles spécifiques ou pipelines de traitement à plusieurs étapes, peuvent rendre les phases de déploiement complexes. Comment aider les data scientists à réduire cette complexité et diminuer le temps passé à ces activités de déploiement ?
Voyons comment gérer les artefacts, configurations & leurs versions avec TorchServe!
DevOps Cette présentation va élaborer la puissance des mécanismes de cache de HTTP dans Varnish Cache, ainsi que des cas d’usage d'accélération API pour implémenter une mise en cache intelligente avec le langage de programmation VCL intégré dans Varnish.

Avec VCL on peut influencer les décisions de mise en cache, se connecter à divers backends, décharger l'authentification et même créer une expérience de mise en cache personnalisée pour vos API.
DevOps Cette présentation est destinée aux personnes curieuses d'en savoir plus sur le terme de GitOps : nous prendrons le temps de bien comprendre les bases de cette philosophie puis de découvrir les bonnes pratiques suivant la nature de votre projet. Connaitre et utiliser Kubernetes rendra la présentation plus intuitive mais ce n'est pas requis : je vous expliquerai le nécessaire. Vous serez ainsi prêt(e)s à vous lancer dans l'aventure GitOps!
DevOps No matter if you are a carpenter or a developer, using the right tools can make the difference between doing the job correctly, sometimes even painfully, or absolutely mastering your art. It is the same for DevOps engineers and GitOps practitioners: you can be more productive, agile, and truly take ownership of your Kubernetes journey. This talk will present, and demonstrate the most useful, and powerful open source utilities available out there.
DevOps Countless hours (and days) are lost on day zero, the first day a dev wants to contribute to a new project. There's services to install, library versions to contend with, and obscure error messages to Google. Running everything locally is a terrible way to manage dev environments.

Containerize your environment to free yourself! Let's explore how to create dev containers so you, and your team, can start writing code without the headache.
DevOps Feature Flags. Feature Toggles. Canaries. A/B Testing. ...
Many a talk at ConFoo and less well fed conferences will refer to using feature flags as a way to enable seamless integration into a very aggressive release schedule.

Feature Flags are an extremely simple yet powerful tool to streamline integration of complex features.

We'll cover many a known implementation strategies for feature flags so you can become an advocate too.
DevOps Stop what you are doing right now, and let me help you in your Kubernetes journey by introducing you to GitOps. This talk will set you on the path to success for implementing Continuous Deployment (CD) for cloud native applications. You’ll learn what the hell is GitOps, and how it will help you better collaborate with your team, deploy & iterate faster within a more secure environment, while saving some costs on the road.
DevOps You know how HTTP caching works but need more? In this talk we look into ways to cache personalized content. We will look at Edge Side Includes (ESI) to tailor caching rules of fragments, and at the user context concept to differentiate cache entries by permission groups instead of by individual users. Examples will use the PHP library FOSHttpCache in combination with either Varnish or the Symfony HttpCache reverse proxy.
DevOps How can a tiny vulnerability in a web application lead to to a take over of your complete Kubernetes cluster and cloud provider account? In this talk, I'll show you on a live system, how a hacker could end up doing exactly that. You will learn about different attack vectors, and how you can protect yourself against each one of them with a multi-layered security strategy. And all of this with the help of open-source tools.
DevOps Danger, Will Robinson! Don’t deploy on Friday! Maybe your team's or company's policy?

Join me as I share from my experience. Using examples from my work on multiple real world projects, I’ll discuss resilience and operability, deployment strategies, pipelines and continuous testing. Discover the details of trunk based development, feature toggles, pair programming and other best practices and gain the confidence to deploy any day of the week!
DevOps Effective request tracking in distributed systems is crucial, especially within distributed systems. Observability relies on three key components: logging, metrics, and tracing. OpenTelemetry aims to establish an open standard for these elements, with Jaeger and Zipkin aligning with this initiative. I'll to provide a detailed explanation and showcase a demo of OpenTelemetry integration in a small but distributed architecture.
DevOps Kubernetes makes it easy and reliable to deploy and run your services. But just deploying your web application is not enough in order to run it in a highly available and reliable way. You also need to care about databases, backups, monitoring, alerting, tracing, log management, security, DNS, load-balancing, TLS certificates, CI/CD pipelines, deployment strategies.
In this talk I'll show live, how you can set all of this up within 60 minutes.
DevOps Manually performing repetitive tasks like running tests, compiling assets and deploying software
to production are a serious waste of time. Not to mention annoying. So, best we just automate it away.

Using Gitlab CI, in this session we'll setup a pipeline from scratch to have the tests run, assets compiled as well as our software nicely packaged, containerized and deployed.

Impossible to do in less than 60 Minutes? Challenge accepted!
DevOps Server-side WebAssembly (Wasm) may prove to be a more efficient method to deliver truly portable applications. With a move to the server side, we must be concerned with interactions with the web environment.

Open Source NGINX Unit is an application runtime for web apps and APIs, handling the HTTP(S) front end, request routing, and coupled to Wasm's linear memory byte streams. Find out how NGINX Unit is becoming the runtime platform for FaaS.
DevOps Do you always create a new Dockerfile for each new project?
Do you implement your own SSL certificate logic in this Dockerfile?
Do you forget to update your base image version?
Do you wonder how to generate a Bill Of Material to comply with your organization requirements?

Have you answered yes to any of those questions? Come and attend this talk to learn a new way to build your images, all use cases included - demos provided along the way!
DevOps WebAssembly (Wasm) is a binary instruction format that programming languages can use as a compilation target for deployment on the web. This talk covers the basics of Web Assembly and how to run Golang and Rust programs in the browser and through NodeJS.

I’ll also introduce slEDGEhammer, a research project that explores Web Assembly execution in Varnish Cache through a Wasm module, allowing users to run Wasm programs on the edge.
DevOps You’ve got a new mission ahead of you: to develop new functionalities for this old project that nobody has known about for 4 years! Obviously, there’s no documentation and no idea of which dependencies to install. Let’s see how Docker can simplify our lives:
- Docker Compose for quick access to external deps
- Try to find a version of our DB that is compatible and simply upgrade it
- Pack the project with docker init like a pro
DevOps In this session, I dive into the process of building a secure workflow for infrastructure deployments, starting from a developer's machine to deploying protected workloads in "production".

I look at separation of concerns from a security and networking perspective and highlight the skills operations engineers may need to level up.

Attendees can expect to learn which design patterns matter, which don't, and how to implement them at scale.
DevOps Attendees will uncover Pulumi's distinguishing strengths—like language flexibility and the powerful functionality of dynamic resource providers. I'll walk through real production struggles with Terraform and the nuances in deploying and managing infrastructure using both tools through tangible demonstrations. For those pondering a switch, this talk offers invaluable insights into the transition process.
DevOps Observability and OpenTelemetry have created awareness of distributed tracing. But what is it/ We'll investigate the distributed trace from the initial point via monitoring, dropping into RED. We'll deconstruct it across its parts, describing the importance of trace and spans. We'll discuss some of the potential data impacts that can leave false clues. You'll know why distributed tracing is important and what makes OpenTelemetry the right choice

Explore all 171 sessions

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