February 24-26, 2021
Online, Timezone GMT-5

Online Artificial Intelligence Conference

Artificial Intelligence Anomaly detection is the process of identifying unexpected items or events in data sets. It’s about detecting the deviation from expected pattern of a dataset. It’s like having “spidey senses” for your apps that can detect when there’s danger or something is not right. Attend this session and learn about using anomaly detection in ML.NET, Azure Stream Analytics and Cognitive Services API, become a superhero and save the day.
Artificial Intelligence Most organizations struggle to succeed with the traditional functional testing approach. Every assertion increases the maintenance overhead, and the question they ask themselves is - Is it really worth automating?
In the presentation, we will explore a new way to look at functional testing through AI-powered visual testing, the same way a picture is worth a thousand words - a screenshot is worth a thousand asserts.

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