February 24-26, 2021
Online, Timezone GMT-5

Online JavaScript Conference

JavaScript In this session, we will introduce Serverless computing in a friendly and approachable way. We will discuss the pros and cons of using a Serverless platform. We will then build an app together from scratch using MongoDB Stitch.
JavaScript Part of my job is finding groups that serve under-represented folks in tech. A sentiment voiced in the community is these groups are hard to find. I worked to make the organizations that I found visible and accessible for the public to use.

Elastic App Search provides a fast experience for creating a full-featured search. I will breakdown the pieces of diversityorgs.tech from initial import to search maintenance using Elastic App Search.
JavaScript We spend a lot of our time reading code for many different reasons. So why not make our future selves and colleagues a favour and write code that at a glance will communicate what it’s doing? Let’s leverage what TypeScript has to offer as well as some good functional programming practices. In the end, we want to spend less time trying to understand some “clever” code or uncover some hidden surprises and more time shipping value to our clients.
JavaScript The web page as the name suggests was developed for a 2 dimensional experience. However with better technology we increasingly support and exhibit 3D experiences on the web. 3D content varies widely in its application - from VR experience to inline product configurators. There is no single scale that can cover all 3D content. This talk talks about how can we deliver the best experience given current state of technology and intended application.
JavaScript Monorepos. Everybody’s talking about them, but nobody’s doing them. Well, we at Applitools, are.

I show why monorepos are interesting, and how they’re not JUST “many projects in one Git repo”,but more importantly encourage developers to build applications that are built from small, well-tested, and independent packages. This methodology promotes development that is scalable and removes the problems working in a monolithic codebase.
JavaScript Have you ever wanted to refactor mercilessly but didn't want to break the fragile tower? Or have you ever pushed to production only to spend the next few days cleaning up the regressions? You need integration tests, and Cypress is a great, fast way to build them. With a simple JavaScript or TypeScript interface, you can automate browsers to hit those critical functions in your app to prove it works as expected -- this time and every time.
JavaScript When we talk about accessibility, we mostly think about HTML and CSS. But, do you know we can use JavaScript to enhance the accessibility of our websites. Let's explore how we can make or break a website's accessibility using JS code. We will explore case studies for some important and common use cases, accessibility issues that can block out the assistive tech users entirely from proceeding, and how to fix those.
JavaScript So, like a decade ago microservices happened, and it was calamitous for some and hugely successful for others.
And guess what? Now, we’re all doing it again with something called micro-frontends.
But seriously, are micro-frontends worth the effort?
I’m going to show you the pros and cons, some alternatives, and let you know what you’re getting into, so that YOU can decide: "Could my organization benefit from switching to micro-frontends?".
JavaScript PWAs are the state of modern web solutions. With the proper caching strategy, it is possible to drastically improve the overall performance and providing data even without a network connection. In an increasingly mobile-first world, optimising the time to load web pages can be our business's success. In this presentation, we'll focus on ensuring that our apps are fast, native-like, and able to provide a truly seamless experience to our users.
JavaScript Grâce à des exemples tirés de grands sites français (Le Monde, Cdiscount, Glamour, AXA …), nous verrons les techniques modernes pour améliorer les performances d’un site, telles que perçues par l’utilisateur. Nous verrons
- les limitations de HTTP/2,
- comment détecter ce que coûte JavaScript à votre business,
- les 3 grandes techniques pour optimiser vos images,
- l'importance des fonts et comment les optimiser
JavaScript Puppeteer is getting a lot of buzz as a way for JS developers to create E2E/UI tests. But is it better than Selenium? Not to be outdone, Microsoft forked and released a new version of Puppeteer, called Playwright, with added capabilities. What are the distinctions and how do you choose?

In this talk, we will compare those test automation platforms, demonstrating the differences. You will learn some of the key limitations and benefits of each.
JavaScript The way we build online experiences is constantly shifting with Git-centered workflows, better built tools, and the ability to more easily consume API’s through static site generators. In this session we’ll discuss some of the key concepts of the JAM Stack then take dive deep combining the power of Vue.js static site generator and an API managed from a headless CMS.
JavaScript The Coronavirus has brought the world together in a common fight, and we built the initial version of VirusTrack.live in less than 3 days with only 3 developers. Join me on a talk designed to show you how to rapidly go from idea to prototype to full fledged application using React and Redux. Go from setting up your environment to an interactive application in this short time frame. Stay safe, stay home, and code!

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