February 24-26, 2021
Online, Timezone GMT-5

Online Java & JVM languages Conference

Java & JVM languages There are 600+ arguments that you can pass to JVM just around Garbage collection and memory. It's way too many arguments for anyone to digest and comprehend. In this session, we will be highlighting 7 important JVM arguments that will boost your application performance.
Java & JVM languages Before, CI in the JVM ecosystem meant Jenkins. Since then, other tools have been made available. But they follow the same pattern. Besides, what about continuous deployment? There’s no tool that allows to deploy new versions of a JVM-based application without downtime.

Achieving true CD of bytecode on one JVM is possible if one changes one’s way of looking at things. What if compilation could be seen as events?
Java & JVM languages Apache Groovy provides several ways to modify and update programs and classes by means of metaprogramming. Some of this options are available at runtime, some others at compile time, and some are even reachable to other JVM languages. These options allow library and framework authors to design better integrations, prototype new language constructs without grammar changes, deliver powerful and and gratifying DSLs, and more.
Java & JVM languages Everybody knows that we need a cache, but where exactly to place it? Inside your application or as a layer in front of it? In the container or outside the container? In the era of Cloud Native and Microservices these questions get even more complicated. In this session I'll present different architectural patterns for distributed caching: Embedded, Client-Server, (Kubernetes) Sidecar, and Reverse HTTP Proxy Caching.
Java & JVM languages Minute papillon. Inspire et laisse-moi arranger ça.

Java est probablement le language le plus déterministe jamais créé.

Mais lire la spécification du Java Memory Model c'est un peu comme lire "À la Recherche du temps perdu" en plus court.

Fort heureusement, j'ai un truc. On va regarder ça ensemble.
Java & JVM languages There are several key trade-offs to consider while using Docker and Kubernetes with Java EE applications. Examples include: whether to use thin WARs, fat JARs, or hollow uber-JARs to effectively work with Docker or how Docker networking and Kubernetes cluster deployments align with application server administration, clustering and load-balancing. This entirely slide-less, fast-paced, demo-driven session walks through some of these considerations.
Java & JVM languages In this talk, I define the context in which the batch processing model was born, the reasons that are behind the new stream processing one, how they compare, what are their pros and cons, and a list of existing technologies implementing the latter with their most prominent characteristics. I’ll conclude by describing in detail one possible use-case of data streaming that is not possible with batches: display in real-time all trains in Switzerland
Java & JVM languages Jakarta NoSQL is a new standard for accessing non-relational databases on the cloud. Cosmos DB is a best-of-breed planet scale NoSQL database on Azure that is compatible with MongoDB, Cassandra and Gremlin.

In this session we will see how to use these technologies together in cloud native Jakarta EE applications. Most of the session will be demos with a minimal number of slides.
Java & JVM languages When containerization came out (7 years ago!), the only option to containerize a Java was to write a Dockerfile and ADD the jar to the image; container orchestration was not a thing yet.
Since then, many image building tools appeared (bazel, buildah) - even a Java based one! (Jib).

In this talk, we'll discover the pros and cons of those options - we'll then focus on "buildpacks" that promise to free the developers from building concerns.
Java & JVM languages Microservices bring several benefits to your project, including quick delivery. But as with any architecture decision, it has several challenges, such as logging, API documentation, and so on. The excellent news: some specifications make our job easier to develop microservices in Java. This presentation will show the frameworks that align with good practices that can create a mature and scalable microservice architecture natively in the cloud.
Java & JVM languages Qu'est ce que Quarkus ?
Comment Quarkus peut accélérer votre transformation digitale vers le cloud ?
Durant cette live démo, venez découvrir comment développer, tester, compiler, containériser, déployer, orchestrer et monitorer un microservice Quarkus #CNCF.
Java & JVM languages Software architecture tends to be esoteric and intangible. The result of this is architectural drift, with the architecture losing the qualities it was promoting as the code evolves. This talk will introduce ArchUnit, a library that allows you to test your Java architecture. You'll see how to write unit tests that protect architectural characteristics in your code while making your architecture easier to understand for everyone in your team.
Java & JVM languages Apache Maven is seen by many developers as the defacto build tool in the Java space. Since its early days back in April 2002, Maven has helped developers build projects and assemble artifacts. On the surface not much appears to have changed in the design, structure, and build file syntax, but in reality there are quite a good number of features that have been added through the years that make Maven a powerhouse.
Java & JVM languages Jakarta EE is now over 20 years old and despite its age, it is as relevant today as it was back in 1999. It is one of the few open standards for developing enterprise applications with multiple independent vendor implementations. Its APIs are central to developing Java based cloud solutions. It is as relevant today as it was back in 1999. This presentation will provide context to Jakarta EE and why businesses choose to use it.

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