December 5-7, 2016
Vancouver, Canada

Vancouver JavaScript Conference

JavaScript AngularJS 2 is just around the corner, so it's time to have a look at the upcoming version of this wildly successful framework. We will start from scratch and implement a simple app during the course of the session, explaining the core architecture, features, and need-to-knows of AnguarJS 2 along the way. This includes templates, components, and services.
JavaScript Google’s Firebase provides a suite of products to help you quickly build realtime apps. We’ll show how Firebase can take care of authentication, database, storage, and scaling while you concentrate on user experience and building an amazing product.
JavaScript Did you know that your web browser has a full suite of built-in JavaScript debugging tools? With the developer tools in Chrome, Firefox, and Safari, you can debug JavaScript on the fly with breakpoints, watch expressions, an interactive REPL with autocomplete, and much more. Learn how to troubleshoot bugs and memory leaks like a pro, armed with the same web browser you already use everyday - no extra plugins or downloads required.
JavaScript The modern web browser is a powerful and flexible platform that is far more capable that you might think. Many advanced features can get lost in the gap between front-end and back-end development skill sets. Find out about the HTML5 APIs you've never heard of, from audio to video to physical sensors, and interaction methods for mobile users. Learn where they are supported and how you can start work with these APIs in your next project!
JavaScript Since 2008, PhoneGap has been free as in beer and speech, and has championed the hybrid development approach. This talk will be about embedding a Cordova WebView inside an application, and how Cordova can work with native application development to deliver the best of both web and native development. This talk will focus primarily on Android.
JavaScript ECMAScript 6 is the new version of JavaScript available in the engines of our modern browsers and servers. Many of its features are just a little syntactic sugar to help make our code clearer and more concise. Learn how to use arrow functions, destructuring, rest parameters, and other sweet ES6 features.
JavaScript Any developer with a modern Android or iOS device and a cardboard viewer can get started making unique experiences relatively quickly. This introductory talk will go over the basics of three.js and the WebVR Boilerplate and will discuss how to to use standard web development practices to bring these experiences quickly across devices.
JavaScript Node.js can be a powerful platform used in the right situations, but it also has more footguns than PHP does for new developers. Asynchronous programming style, concurrency issues, error handling, the event loop, and no default timeouts for HTTP requests or network calls will give new developers more than their fair share of troubles. This talk gives a thorough introduction to node.js and the event loop model, and covers common pitfalls to avoid.

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