December 5-7, 2016
Vancouver, Canada

Python Conference 2016

Python Django is an “all-in-one” web development platform. Built-in features include full templating technology, routing, and object-relational mapping. Using Django’s ORM capabilities frees you from having to write your own database access code, so you can focus the application you wish to build. The Django ORM can even create and manage the database for you! Learn how to create objects for ORM, and map properties to columns in your database.
Python Django has been the largest web framework in Python for more than 7 years. However, web development hasn't stood still, with tools like Node.js and Go taking a more asynchronous approach to web development. Channels is Django's answer to this, giving Django an answer to other async web frameworks, allowing native support for WebSockets and more. This talk will be an introduction to the architecture and implementation of Django Channels.
Python From implementing new research to validating results, running machine learning experiments can often be a process of trial and error. TensorFlow is an open source computing framework that places state of the art algorithms and tools into developers' hands, allowing you to rapidly iterate experiments, monitor their results, and scale into production. We'll show you how to train machine learning pipelines from conception to release with TensorFlow.
Python From “Space Oddity” to “Blackstar,” Bowie inspired us with his diverse personas. What can IBM Watson reveal about those iconic characters through natural language analysis? That's the mission of Ziggy, a little Python app that builds a database of songs, and digs into the style and tone of writing within them. This session explores the findings and shows how it works. We'll consider real world use cases and future iterations.
Python What are closures all about anyway, and why is there a new keyword in Python 3? In this talk, we'll look at what closures are, their history in the Python language, what the Python 3 nonlocal keyword is about, and examine how closures are idiomatically used (and avoided) in Python.
Python Websites often have little collections of data that need to be managed by internal staff, which traditionally require additional work from the site creator - you - to either provide a UI for administration, or you're updating the database manually. Neither are good solutions. Enter Django administration, which allows you to quickly create a fully customizable site for your internal users.
Python Python is one of the most popular programming languages, and one of the most flexible. You can create pretty much any type of code you need: object oriented, procedural, functional... And it can be used to create any type of application, and is used in many big data scenarios. You can also get up and running in a short period of time if you’re experienced with another programming language.
Python This talk will cover the internals of how a system for documenting software works. This talk will include specific examples from the Sphinx documentation generator, and cover the concepts they use to make documentation generation powerful.

The talk aims to impart high-level understanding of the concepts around documentation generation, which will be applicable to most documentation tooling, whether it be Commonmark, RST, or Asciidoc.
Python Elm, Figwheel, Redux, and other environments that carefully manage state have popularized reliable, straightforward implementations of undo, hot code reloading, and time travel. Although these techniques are harder to implement in more traditional environments, sometimes their power is worth it. We'll walk through some hacky strategies: saving state with fork(2), replaying operations to rebuild state, and deeply copying webs of mutable objects.

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