December 5-7, 2016
Vancouver, Canada

Vancouver PHP Conference

PHP Full frameworks are heavy, slow, and internally coupled. On the other hand, microframeworks can lead to “not invented here” because of missing functionality, or a minefield of tradeoffs connecting to other components.

Zend Framework 3 features separated components, and is blazing fast, with skeleton apps to leverage as a PSR-7 middleware, or as a full stack framework, with highly connective APIs. This will get attendees up and running quickly.
PHP In this talk, we will go over some of the most common attack vectors in code and how to protect against them while you write or edit a WordPress theme or plugin. Topics covered: escaping in WordPress, SQL and data sanitization, current_user_can(), using nonces to protect against CSRF, and WordPress and PHP security gotchas.
PHP One challenging aspect of ecommerce projects is the wide variety of payment gateway APIs, each one different from the last. Learn about Omnipay, a payment processing library for PHP that acts as an abstraction layer between your code and a wide range of popular payment APIs. Learn how it can help keep your code portable between projects and provide business continuity if you need to switch providers, as well as the limitations of this approach.
PHP Whether you are a brand new developer or an experienced coder, the PHP object model can hold some mysteries that are worth exploring. This session will briefly cover the basics of working with Objects in PHP, then dive quickly through inheritance, abstracts, interfaces, traits, late static binding, magic methods, namespaces, and maybe even reflection. It’s a lot to cover, so make sure to show up with your eyes open and be ready to move quickly!
PHP phpdbg has been bundled with PHP since version 5.6, and provides first class runtime debugging for PHP without needing to install an extension. It’s easier to get up and running than XDebug, and provides a command line interface that’s eminently usable without needing to set up IDE integration.

In this talk, we’ll walk through examples showing how to use phpdbg to find and track problems with Web pages, CLI scripts and your test suite.
PHP Developers love to "automate all the things,” but where to start? What tools exist, and what can be automated? Without unit tests, can it still benefit to automate? We will show how a PHP application pulled from Git, complete with unit tests, composer dependency management, and package creation, can be repeatedly deployed flawlessly using Jenkins. Then see how "Dev" and "Ops" are supported if the application breaks through automated rollbacks.
PHP Have you ever had to maintain a 15-year-old application? Dead code everywhere, database queries in between HTML tags, and some pages still in PHP 3. This strategy-level presentation will lead you through a progressive rewrite, from very old legacy to the latest shiny version of PHP. Learn how to automate legacy testing, how to seamlessly jump between the old and new parts, and how to overcome other challenges that arise from dealing with legacy.
PHP Where is the truth in sentences like "ORMs are slow" or "SQL is insecure?"
We will walk through the reasons that shaped ORM architecture, their potential and limitations.
After this talk, you will be in a better position to choose the best fit for you and your next application.
PHP Symfony is a powerful and very flexible framework for building web applications. Symfony is also a collection of base components that you can use separately in any PHP application. This modular nature allows many frameworks to build on top of it, the most notable being Drupal 8 and Laravel. In this talk, I will give an overview of the fundamental Symfony components and show how to use the full stack framework.
PHP How often have you rewritten your unit tests from scratch just because the code it was testing evolved slightly? In this session we will explore some unit testing techniques from other languages to produce more robust tests in PHP. You’ll never have to send your unit test to the trashcan again.
PHP PHP isn't the same as it was 5 years ago. Now with the release of PHP7, it continues to evolve. If you haven't looked at PHP in a few years, you won’t recognize it! Namespaces, SPL, Traits, Closures, Scalar Type Hints, and so much more was added to the language in recent years. Not to mention ecosystem additions of Composer and PuPHPet. Join us for a whirlwind tour of what PHP has become.

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