23 au 25 février, 2022
En Ligne, Fuseau Horaire GMT-5

Conférence .NET à En Ligne

.NET Why are most of us a little afraid of touching YAML files and don't even dare to look at build scripts? Much of this is because C# developers are spoiled with a great language, and they don't like missing their buddy for code-completion, ease of debugging, refactoring, and code formatting. Let's dive into NUKE and bring build automation to an even level with every other .NET project.
.NET Blazor brings C# to the browser. Azure Functions lets your back-end scale. But how do you get started? In this talk, we will walk through the complete development process, from writing and debugging our Blazor WebAssembly app, to spinning up an Azure Function, to creating a CI/CD pipeline, and more.

Come to this talk when you want to improve your development process with the best tooling and focus on the business value of your projects!
.NET We will create an optical character recognition (OCR) application using Angular and the Azure Computer Vision Cognitive Service. Computer Vision is an AI service that analyzes content in images. We will use the OCR feature of Computer Vision to detect the printed text in an image. The application will extract the text from the image and detects the language of the text. This app will support 25 different languages.
.NET A lightweight HTTP API can use the ASP.NET Core Middleware, such as routing, authentication and authorization. But using all of the MVC framework is just overkill!

Dropping MVC means you will have to handle some things yourself. ASP.NET Core 6.0 introduces the missing link!

We will explore what minimal APIs are, and what they are not, and how/where your applications can benefit from this lightweight model to building HTTP applications.
.NET Pulumi offers a programming model for Python, Javascript, Typescript, C# and Go to provision cloud infrastructure. In this session, the presenter will make a demo in C# deploying a web application to Azure, complete with DNS and SSL setup.
.NET Si vous, votre entreprise ou vos clients avez adopté le cloud, vous savez que l'automatisation des infrastructures (IaC) y joue un rôle crucial.

Grâce à Pulumi, même les développeurs peuvent faire de l'infrastructure as Code (IaC) avec leur langage de programmation favori !

Durant cette session, nous découvrirons ensemble ce qu'est Pulumi et comment l'utiliser pour automatiser la création de nos infrastructures Azure.
.NET Jupyter Notebook is an open-source web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and narrative text. Attend this session and learn how you can write .NET code with Jupyter Notebooks running in Raspberry Pi; read sensor data, build dashboard and control an IoT device all from the browser.
.NET Specflow est un framework .Net vous permettant d’écrire des tests d'acceptation automatisés et illustrer ces tests en langage naturel. En premier lieu, nous allons présenter les concepts du Behavior Driven Development, la syntaxe Gherkin ainsi que les tests d’acceptance. Par la suite, nous allons présenter comment vous pouvez automatiser ces tests à l’aide de Specflow à partir d’une démonstration et comment l'ajouter à votre intégration continue.
.NET If you listen to Microsoft, the future of .NET is rosy! Lets see! In this session we will take a deep dive into an independent study on the future of .NET that talked to colleges and universities and coding camps to understand the role .NET has in computer classes as well as discussions with .NET shops and consultancies about their plans Get a real understanding of the future, not some plush marketing spiel. Is there a future for .NET? Really?
.NET On November 9, 2021, .NET 6 was released. As a part of this new LTS (long-term support) version, the web frameworks ASP.NET Core and Blazor 6 were updated. This session will showcase the major new features that were added, including many live demos. Especially when currently using .NET 5 (where support ends in May 2022), an upgrade to .NET 6 is feasible, so why not use some of the new possibilities that come with it?
.NET Immutability is an important feature to have in a programming language. Unfortunately C# hasn't been very good at it: UNTIL NOW! With Records and other language enhancements we can finally code using immutable types. In this session you'll learn why that is important and of course we'll zoom into the new Record type and see what makes it tick!

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