23 au 25 février, 2022
En Ligne, Fuseau Horaire GMT-5

Conférence DevOps à En Ligne

DevOps Production problems are tricky to troubleshoot if proper diagnostic information isn’t captured. In this session, we will share with you 16 important artifacts that you need to capture. We will also discuss effective tools that you can use to analyze those artifacts.
DevOps Kubernetes is great, but sometimes can be hard too. What about making it easy and productive at the same time? And what if we would spark joy while coding Kubernetes-Native Java applications?
Look no further! Join us on this talk and learn how to have loads of fun with millisecond application restarts, experience tons of productivity, and how to make the job of deploying on Kubernetes a matter of a few keystrokes. With Live Demos!
DevOps Comment être plus productif et qualitatif ou bien rentable et stable ?
Accelerate (la science derrière DevOps) est une recherche de 4 ans qui a défini les pratiques informatiques pour améliorer sa performance organisationnelle: productivité, rentabilité et être plus concurrentiel.
La force d'Accelerate est que c'est applicable à toutes les entreprises (note inscrite dans la recherche) et aide aux choix stratégiques dans son entreprise.
DevOps Are you fed up with having to manage Azure infrastructure through the portal? Not to worry, we now have Azure Bicep, an Azure native approach to Infrastructure as Code!

In this session, Henry Been will give you a tour of Bicep templates. Together, we will explore how to set up an infrastructure that is ready for deployment of your application code. We will touch upon syntax, nesting, loops, manual deployment, and deployment from a pipeline.
DevOps Traditional software development occurs in phases, where QA, security and other roles act as gatekeepers to production. This leads to silos, delays and doesn’t scale.

So, instead of waiting for a human to decide what is and isn’t valid, learn how to use automation to continuously enforce standards in your software. Let’s turn gatekeepers into build breakers!
DevOps In this session we'll be leveraging Varnish, the popular HTTP caching software, to build our own CDN. The goal is to build a multi-tier CDN with multiple Points of Presence. The various tiers take care of origin shielding, storage, request routing and decision-making on the edge.

The Varnish Configuration Language, Varnish's built-in programming language, will play a big part and will allow you to tailor the behavior of the CDN to your needs.
DevOps Everything fails all of the time. Failure happens, failure is inevitable. It’s how you respond that matters. 

For a lot of people, failure has a negative connotation. I don’t see failure as being the opposite of success. I think failure is an opportunity!

Join me on a journey to discover more about pain, happy little accidents, trial and error, learning opportunities and resilience.

It's time to start embracing failure!
DevOps Databases! Every developer comes across them in their careers. Just like me, I started my career as a PHP backend developer on a typical LAMP stack. In our organisation we did not have a MySQL DBA so I started to learn about how we could make our database as reliable as possible. I will show you ways for making your database more HA, how to make service discovery easy and seamless to the applications and I will talk about backups and monitoring!
DevOps In September 2021 the old root CA of Let’s Encrypt expired, which caused connection issues all over the world. In my talk you will learn how to debug, understand, and avoid problems with TLS connections and certificates. I will introduce you to various techniques and tools like scanners, packet analyzer, and command line tools for investigating problems.
DevOps Si vous, votre entreprise ou vos clients avez adopté le cloud, vous savez que l'automatisation des infrastructures (IaC) y joue un rôle crucial.

Grâce à Pulumi, même les développeurs peuvent faire de l'infrastructure as Code (IaC) avec leur langage de programmation favori !

Durant cette session, nous découvrirons ensemble ce qu'est Pulumi et comment l'utiliser pour automatiser la création de nos infrastructures Azure.
DevOps D'une simple instance MysQL à une haute-disponibilité multi-sites, voici ce que vous décrouvrirez dans cette présentation. Comment effectuer cette transition et quelles solutions conviennent les mieux aux évolutions des exigences commerciales (RPO, RTO). Récemment, MySQL a étendu les possibilités de déploiement aisé d'architecture avec des outils intégrés. Venez découvrir ces solution Open Source qui font partie de MySQL.
DevOps In this session, let's have fun & build sample code snippets that can generate memory leak, thread leak, CPU spike, unresponsiveness, BLOCKED threads, Deadlocks, Heavy I/O activity. If you can understand what triggers these problems, diagnosing and solving them might become easier.
DevOps Embracing DevOps entails more than just shipping changes to production faster and faster. You are also responsible for monitoring your software and detecting and troubleshooting issues.

Join Henry Been for a demo-heavy session, full of Azure Monitor, Log Analytics, and Application Insights, to build a monitoring solution from scratch. During this session, you will learn everything you need to know to start monitoring your solutions in Azure!
DevOps You can’t anticipate an incident, so how do you ensure your team is prepared in the event of one? At Ambassador Labs we run controlled exercises every six weeks to simulate real incidents and practice our response to them. In this talk, we’ll highlight how we’ve used these exercises to continuously improve our products and processes. We’ll share our playbook for Game Days and offer tips to make you successful based on what we’ve learned so far.
DevOps Do you doubt the value of adding CI/CD to your project because it’s too early to maintain a proper pipeline? Or do you have a mature project, but never got around to implementing continuous delivery and are now afraid of this huge and overwhelming task?

Do not fear! Let me share with you practical ways to implement CI/CD so that you can appreciate all its benefits, no matter the size of the project you're working on.
DevOps Even though we use the latest methodology and technology most of us still struggle being effective.
Effective developers don't just write clean and robust code. They also have a strong understanding of the problem that needs to be solved and they take time to learn and play. Learn how those developers build effective coding habits, use automations whenever needed, reserve time for deep work, and much more.
DevOps In early 2020 a global pandemic set in motion events which none of us could predict. With anonymous data collected from 900k+ devs, 25K orgs, and 30m+ builds/mo we observed interesting insights into better DevOps practices. Since then, we've seen even more interesting activities happen, which shed new light on high-performing engineering teams. In this session, we will seek to uncover what this unique dataset can tell us.

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