December 4-6, 2017
Vancouver, Canada

ES6 and You: The future is now!

JavaScript is growing up and browser vendors are on board! But many developers are stuck in the year 2000. This session will show attendees some of the more compelling and practical changes in ES6/2015. We'll talk about new variable declaration types and scopes, default function args, object deconstruction, template strings, "classes", and more. This will be a quick tour, but with practical examples that every developer should have.

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Jordan Kasper

Shortly after it arrived at his home in 1993, Jordan began taking apart his first computer. He moved quickly from hardware into programming and his experience includes development and instruction at startups, agencies, Fortune 100 companies, and universities, as well as numerous open source projects. He speaks regularly at local user groups and conferences. Jordan's primary mission for over 10 years has been to evangelize technology of all sorts and share what he has learned to help others grow.

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