December 4-6, 2017
Vancouver, Canada

Architecture Conference 2017

Architecture Learn about the levels of concern within SOA and where to implement different frameworks within enterprise architectures. These are advanced system integration concepts with a focus on high availability using open source frameworks in a service-orientated architecture. It will cover best practice tips for implementing/architecting ESB, mediation router, and messaging in infrastructures needing large scale, high transaction capabilities.
Architecture Learn how to choose between two different Apache Frameworks for messaging. With the traction that Kafka has gotten in the last year and the old reliable ActiveMQ, it can be hard to know when to choose one over the other. We will walk through the strengths and weaknesses of each framework and describe how they each solve common implementation details from concurrent consumers and high availability to persistence. Choose your side wisely.
Architecture You’ve mapped it out in Visio, put in place all the caching and gateways possible, flip the switch…and nothing. Your beautiful microservice architecture fell on its face! In this experience report, we’ll look at a failed microservice implementation and how we fixed it, from the ground up.
Architecture Are you ready to continuously deploy every commit to production 25 times a day? No?

We all know it's not quite that easy. You can't take an existing house-of-cards monolith and just start treating it like a unicorn, as much as everyone would like to.

This session focuses on practical ways developers can make inroads towards a better DevOps story for existing software. From architecture, process, deployment pipelines, and even culture.
Architecture In some ways, clean code - like beauty - is in the eye of the beholder. Clean code qualifies as being efficient, well structured and even elegant in its simplicity. Learning how to write clean code takes practice, criticism, and more practice. There are many things that contribute to clean code. Learn some (personal) insights how to write good, clean code to increase the overall quality of your code base.
Architecture You've toiled hard on your code, tested it locally, and you're confident it's ready to go. But for some teams, it can take months or even years before you see it in production! With a great deployment pipeline and some clever architecture, there's a better way.

In this session, I'll walk through the realities of a no-touch deployment pipeline that you can trust all the way to production.
Architecture Design Thinking encourages a user-centric approach to creating products. Developers often get too attached to a solution-centric approach to product design and have the mindset of "build it and they will come" (if it's a good product). Combining Design Thinking methodologies and the Lean approach for startups allows a developer/entrepreneur to have a strong grasp on market demand and user problems before jumping to development.
Architecture While Streams and Optional interactions have been well discussed for the past few years, many people forget what drives all these new Functional capabilities – Functional Interfaces.
In this talk, default Functional Interfaces will be explained along with how they can be customized, covering some of the most promising new open-source libraries which expand Functional programming in Java beyond its current limits.
Architecture Creating objects in Java using `new` keyword was a no brainer before IoC / DI questioned the approach! Managing dependencies is another topic that we think we have sorted out with Maven central. Yet it's far from perfect! It might be time to challenge that approach too. What if we move from hardcoded artifacts to artifact discovery based on well defined contracts? Can that be done today? What are the issues? How we get there one day?
Architecture I had always known that Ruby's metaprogramming tools were amazingly powerful, but I had never had a project where lots of fancy tricks wouldn't just make things harder to understand.

Recently I got the chance to work on a large complex project where I could use the magic of Ruby to help make things much more manageable.

This talk shows how Ruby's unique power and elegance turned a potential code nightmare into something like poetry.
Architecture Everyone is talking about microservices these days! To help you make the right decisions, this talk will first focus on explaining complexity - the problem microservices claim to solve. It then concentrates on modular architecture and how it compares to microservices! Live demo shows how to modularize exiting JEE Glassfish EJB/JSF style application through SpringBoot and OSGi to reach a distributed system with a portal as front-end.
Architecture Nothing gets DBAs more riled up than a developer infatuated with an Object-Relational Mapper. ORMs work great at mapping from relational to objects, but can be a crutch. If you want to make your DBA (and your users happy), you’ll want to use your ORM intelligently. In this session, we will look at application patterns, ORM features and more to discover the right way of using your ORM.
Architecture Design patterns are conceptual solutions to solve common redundant problems in software engineering. However, learning them is not easy as litterature or tutorials on the Internet often introduce them with theorical examples. This talk gives you a slightly different approach by introducing design patterns with practical code samples to solve real world problems. The talk focuses on the Factory Method, Decorator and Composite patterns.
Architecture Developing cutting edge experiences for IoT is challenging. With hundreds of new IoT products added every year, developers need a better way to build front-ends for constantly evolving backends and products, but how? At Comcast we’re working on solving this problem with Web Components. Come learn more about what web components, why they are great for micro services, and critical for mobile development.

Explore all 87 sessions

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