24 au 26 février, 2021
En Ligne, Fuseau Horaire GMT-5

Conférence DevOps à En Ligne

DevOps Why limit Git for version control only? Git can reduce your work, improve the quality of your projects and even speed up your deployments. All you need is simple to implement integration between Git and your project.
Run your tests faster, accelerate your CI automation, make your deployments more predictable and error-free. The tips in this presentation will solve hard problems in your project and get more time for you to do what is important
DevOps Before, CI in the JVM ecosystem meant Jenkins. Since then, other tools have been made available. But they follow the same pattern. Besides, what about continuous deployment? There’s no tool that allows to deploy new versions of a JVM-based application without downtime.

Achieving true CD of bytecode on one JVM is possible if one changes one’s way of looking at things. What if compilation could be seen as events?
DevOps It's day 2. Kubernetes is running. You have your deployments and services set. Now how do you migrate the data store? Let's journey together on this code-focused tour through ConfigMaps, Secrets, Persistent Volumes, Persistent Volume Claims, and StatefulSets. We'll craft and launch a strategy to care for your users' data in this new container world. You can power your business on Kubernetes: stateless or stateful.
DevOps We will share our journey on how we make progress on application resiliency. We transform from monolith base chaos to Micro service and later on the container-native platform, Kubernetes chaos. We will share how we use Chaostoolkit & Litmuschaos on kubernetes, and how we automate the entire process using Argo workflow and Jenkins. Later moved everything in code and via gitops controlling the chaos experiments. This all using opensource .
DevOps The adoption of CI/CD has automated the process of how DevOps teams build, test, and deliver software at rapid speeds. Although CI/CD platforms offer many benefits, in the attempt to make sophisticated pipelines, many teams run into the issue of “Pipeline Sprawl”. In this talk we will discuss the common pain points associated with CI/CD platforms. The talk will pull in examples from recent experience and conversations with DevOps teams.
DevOps Découvrez-le avec les anecdotes vécues à travers les années par une startup devenue maintenant PME. Nous verrons quels sont les différents niveaux de monitoring qu'il est possible de mettre en place, selon vos besoins, ainsi que quelques tactiques et conseils pour rendre le on-call facile et vivable pour les développeurs.

Le on-call n'est pas un fardeau et bien mené, il peut même être le moteur principal de la future qualité de vos projets!
DevOps This talk will take you through all the bits and pieces needed to deploy an ASP.NET Core Web API with DevSecOps. The infrastructure is deployed using ARM Templates and I will show you a secure and safe way to use and read values from the KeyVault keeping all your secrets safe.
DevOps The Machine Learning lifecycle is complex by essence.Many organizations where ML models are developed with Data Scientists and SMEs are facing these 3 challenges: the model management, the reproducibility / "works on my machine" and the collaboration problem.In this session we will go over the rising concept of MLOps and show how 2 open source projects mlflow and Kubeflow can be leveraged to initiate the MLOps mindset inside your company.
DevOps Though it's the common use case, deploying your application using docker may seem a bit daunting at first, and require some changes you're not ready to make.

But if you want to get started with docker, there are plenty of uses that aren't deployment. In this 99% Yak-Shaving™ Free session, we'll focus on the ones that require little (or no) setup. You might even be using them before I finish talking.
DevOps Continuous Delivery Pipeline as code is key helping you to ensure long term maintainability. Treating your pipeline as code helps you to version it in your SCM of choice, makes changes easily traceable and lets anyone on your team make required changes. In this session, I will show you how we build and maintain our Continuous Delivery pipeline using tools like GitLab CI, Docker, Nexus, and Traefik to deploy to dev, stage, and prod environments.
DevOps Tests, monitoring, these help us assert the known knowns of our systems. But what about the known unknowns? Or, especially in complex distributed systems, the unknown unknowns? What can we learn from the space program? What can we learn from the Apollo 11 landing? How can we prepare for the unknown and build our adaptive capacity?
DevOps Mario is a software developer. He used to send his code to Luigi so he could deploy them on their servers, but he now want to embrace DevOps principles and work together with Luigi to deploy his applications. This is where Tekton Pipelines will come to help them. Tekton is a flexible, Kubernetes native open source CI/CD framework that enables automating deployments across multiple platforms—including Kubernetes, serverless, and VMs.
DevOps In the 21st Century the Cyber Universe is threatened by Evil Source Code and Evil entities. The only hope for many developers is the Fifth Element : the Sec in Devops, which must be implemented side by side with the Four elementals : Code, Build, Test , Deploy. A Microsoft Services are bringing the Four Elements but can the Fifth be included, and will it save us from disaster? Checkout the Microsoft ecosystem in combo with sonarqube, snyk, etc.
DevOps Containers are dramatically changing the way that application developers design and build their systems. Databases will need to be a part of this revolution as every application needs a data store. Come see a future vision of how full stack application development might look in the next few years.
DevOps Complex, data-intensive web and mobile apps pose significant UX and Dev challenges. Mission-critical apps often require crowded interfaces that only an Excel ninja could love (or use). Learn secrets to help you define and design compact digital products that perform powerfully and help people get real work done. These practical techniques will change the way you think about constrained UI and your users will love you for it.
DevOps Do you struggle prioritizing cleaning/refactoring/rearchitecting work against feature work? Do you have a hard time explaining why this might be more important than delivering business value? What is the relationship between technical debt and business value anyway? Understanding technical debt is difficult, talking about it is harder. Let's see if Mr Cunningham, DevOps, and the flow framework can give use some cues and tools to help us out.

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