24 au 26 février, 2021
En Ligne, Fuseau Horaire GMT-5

Conférence Architecture & Design Patterns 2021

Architecture & Design Patterns In this session, we will introduce Serverless computing in a friendly and approachable way. We will discuss the pros and cons of using a Serverless platform. We will then build an app together from scratch using MongoDB Stitch.
Architecture & Design Patterns Back in 2016, I deployed an ASP.NET monolith app to IIS on Windows. It worked but it was clunky in every sense of the word. Over the years, the app was freed from Windows (thanks to .NET Core), containerized to run consistently in different environments (thanks to Docker) and decomposed into a set of loosely-coupled, event-driven, microservices (thanks to Knative and Cloud Run). Let's talk about the journey and learnings along the way.
Architecture & Design Patterns Everybody knows that we need a cache, but where exactly to place it? Inside your application or as a layer in front of it? In the container or outside the container? In the era of Cloud Native and Microservices these questions get even more complicated. In this session I'll present different architectural patterns for distributed caching: Embedded, Client-Server, (Kubernetes) Sidecar, and Reverse HTTP Proxy Caching.
Architecture & Design Patterns La présentation sur l'architecture que je vous propose parle de comment partir d'une architecture plus traditionnelle et passer à une vision plus agile de l'architecture.

Les application d'aujourd'hui sont de plus en plus exigeantes et demandent d'être robustes mais aussi flexibles. Donc je vous propose de faire le chemin avec moi vers une architecture plus agile.
Architecture & Design Patterns CSS storytelling architecture. It is an imaginary story that represents the CSS, in a way that we can understand the CSS code nature, from a direct reading of the CSS and/or the HTML. In this talk Elad will talk about:

Project folder and file structure
Global Variable Definitions
How to reset a CSS project
Utility Classes
Partials Types
And a lot more
Architecture & Design Patterns A picture is worth a thousand words, they say - but unfortunately it is not always the case. If done right, diagrams are a treasure - but we've all seen and suffered from spaghetti diagrams and ones bringing confusion rather than clarity and added value.

Let's see what makes a diagram effective, what are the techniques and principles for creating good diagrams - and how everyone can get better at using this powerful communication tool.
Architecture & Design Patterns Découvrons ce pattern et comment il fonctionne à travers des exemples réels, j’espère vous faire découvrir des capacités cachées dans votre application !

Les conteneurs d’injection de dépendance font parti intégrante des frameworks que nous utilisons tous les jours. On peut même dire que c’est le coeur de votre application. Aujourd'hui, on automatise au maximum leur configuration pour faciliter leur usage, mais ils gagnent à être mieux connu !
Architecture & Design Patterns The internet has an identity crisis. How do you know that the person interacting with your product is who they claim to be? How can you be sure that they are a person at all? This is a talk about the evolution of identity on the internet, from a product development perspective. An overview of the things you should be aware of around digital identity when building software today, and the things you should pay attention to for the future.
Architecture & Design Patterns Monorepos. Everybody’s talking about them, but nobody’s doing them. Well, we at Applitools, are.

I show why monorepos are interesting, and how they’re not JUST “many projects in one Git repo”,but more importantly encourage developers to build applications that are built from small, well-tested, and independent packages. This methodology promotes development that is scalable and removes the problems working in a monolithic codebase.
Architecture & Design Patterns Load balancers such as HAProxy, Varnish, Squid and Nginx play a crucial role in the performance of high-availability websites. All of those have different HTTP protocol parser implemented. What might be indicating the termination of one request for your load balancer might not be the end for your web server. In this presentation, see how an attacker can abuse vulnerable configurations or load balancer specific versions.
Architecture & Design Patterns A microservices failure case study.

In this session I’m going to tell you the tragic story of the microservices based, modular, fully automatic, next generation, totally buzzword compliant, multi satellite ground station that wasn’t .

This is a typical Greek tragedy about the hubris of men who try to literally reach into the heavens in order to look back at earth - and a case study about a failure of microservices architecture all in one.
Architecture & Design Patterns In this talk, I define the context in which the batch processing model was born, the reasons that are behind the new stream processing one, how they compare, what are their pros and cons, and a list of existing technologies implementing the latter with their most prominent characteristics. I’ll conclude by describing in detail one possible use-case of data streaming that is not possible with batches: display in real-time all trains in Switzerland
Architecture & Design Patterns So, like a decade ago microservices happened, and it was calamitous for some and hugely successful for others.
And guess what? Now, we’re all doing it again with something called micro-frontends.
But seriously, are micro-frontends worth the effort?
I’m going to show you the pros and cons, some alternatives, and let you know what you’re getting into, so that YOU can decide: "Could my organization benefit from switching to micro-frontends?".
Architecture & Design Patterns Running a distributed application is HARD! You have to deal with unreliable remote services, network partitions, request timeouts, slow responses... the sources of possible failures are endless. There are patterns that you can apply in your service to save the day and make sure it's not your status page that goes red.
Architecture & Design Patterns Nanocours d'architecture logicielle traitant du couplage dans les applications.

Il arrive souvent que l'on confonde le couplage topologique (technologique) avec le couplage logique. Est-ce que le découpage des services réduit réellement les modifications simultanées de plusieurs services?
Architecture & Design Patterns In the age of big data, NoSQL databases bring scalability, performance and other benefits to the table. On the other hand, developers have years of experience in designing object oriented systems and relational data models.
Using relational design mindset while designing NoSQL storage, would result in wrong design decisions. In this talk, I’ll share a few rules of thumb that helped me with designing data models for NoSQL databases.
Architecture & Design Patterns Learn about various case studies for event streaming with Apache Kafka across industries. The talk explores architectures for real-world deployments from Audi, BMW, Disney, Generali, Paypal, Tesla, Unity, Walmart, William Hill, and more. Use cases include fraud detection, mainframe offloading, predictive maintenance, cybersecurity, edge computing, track&trace, live betting, and much more.
Architecture & Design Patterns Your competition will hate you. By the time they release one feature with a ton of bugs, you would have released 10 features with no bugs. A good design makes a world of difference in terms of ease of change, teamwork, testability, reliability and overall quality of life. I will present a software design approach that allowed my teams to ship unbelievably fast while keeping the quality above industry standards.
Architecture & Design Patterns The only thing constant about software is that it changes. Whether you need to remove technical debt, move to the cloud, or add new functionality - changing software seems to be a constant part of being a software developer. In this session, we will go over the primary refactor design patterns, look at how they can be implemented (in C#\.NET), and tell some stories about them being used in real-life.
Architecture & Design Patterns As Daniel Tiger wisely sings, "It's OK to make mistakes. Try to fix them, and learn from them too."

Come learn common mistakes developers make as they model their data in document databases. You'll leave this session ready to spot and correct four common document database schema design anti-patterns.
Architecture & Design Patterns How to manage a quaint, yet indispensable software monolith? The one that outlived (twice) your shiny frameworks. The one that was created when 10 people was all it took to run the business. Well, you "just" need some clean architecture, and an understanding of Conway's law for decoupling, a healthy use of the Strangler Fig pattern to survive change, and some inspiration from the DDD community to make the app tell the story of your organization.
Architecture & Design Patterns Software architecture tends to be esoteric and intangible. The result of this is architectural drift, with the architecture losing the qualities it was promoting as the code evolves. This talk will introduce ArchUnit, a library that allows you to test your Java architecture. You'll see how to write unit tests that protect architectural characteristics in your code while making your architecture easier to understand for everyone in your team.
Architecture & Design Patterns The role of a technology leader has never been more challenging. We are in the midst of unprecedented technological change and yet keeping abreast of such advances alone will not guarantee success. We'll explore what's required to build an adaptive technology strategy including metrics, team topologies and evolutionary architecture practices. This talk will take your ability in crafting effective strategies to the next level. See you there!
Architecture & Design Patterns Que ce soit un nouveau produit, un produit exploratoire ou un produit établi depuis longtemps, savoir dans quelle direction diriger nos efforts de développements et aligner notre architecture sur les besoins du produit n'est pas toujours chose aisée. Revenir à la base, définir des caractéristiques et les enforcer à l'aide de KPIs, SLOs/SLTs et Fitness Function peuvent aider à clarifier et automatiser la vérification de cette direction.
Architecture & Design Patterns It's no secret that today's architectures are based on microservices that exposes API but how do we do this in a way that can evolve to a large complex eco-system. In this presentation I outline 5 steps to build API(s) and what you need to learn and master in order to build it so that it scales in complexity over time.
Architecture & Design Patterns There are things you can't - or don't want to - do inside a web request. Whether sending an email, processing a video, or consuming live data, you should be using a separate process - probably a daemon. Learn how to stop abusing cron, and easily daemonize a PHP script that responds responsibly to process signals.

Explorez les 130 présentations

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