24 au 26 février, 2021
En Ligne, Fuseau Horaire GMT-5

Conférence PHP à En Ligne

PHP The last ones who told me I could learn from a plush toy were my daughters. Of course, I acknowledged. Yet, it dawned on me: after ten years of life, the PHP plush has achieved so much! It went to the White House and Antarctica; it spawned forty thousand offsprings and a jet-set generation of collectors; it built bridges within and outside the community.

Nowadays, it is alive and kicking. No one can have enough elePHPant.
PHP Découvrons ce pattern et comment il fonctionne à travers des exemples réels, j’espère vous faire découvrir des capacités cachées dans votre application !

Les conteneurs d’injection de dépendance font parti intégrante des frameworks que nous utilisons tous les jours. On peut même dire que c’est le coeur de votre application. Aujourd'hui, on automatise au maximum leur configuration pour faciliter leur usage, mais ils gagnent à être mieux connu !
PHP Continuous Delivery Pipeline as code is key helping you to ensure long term maintainability. Treating your pipeline as code helps you to version it in your SCM of choice, makes changes easily traceable and lets anyone on your team make required changes. In this session, I will show you how we build and maintain our Continuous Delivery pipeline using tools like GitLab CI, Docker, Nexus, and Traefik to deploy to dev, stage, and prod environments.
PHP How to measure the quality of unit tests? Code coverage is not necessarily a good indicator to answer this question. What other options do we have? Do we need tests to test the quality of our tests? In some way, yes we do. In this session, I will introduce you to the concept of mutation-based testing and how this technique can be used to improve the quality of your test suite.
PHP Your competition will hate you. By the time they release one feature with a ton of bugs, you would have released 10 features with no bugs. A good design makes a world of difference in terms of ease of change, teamwork, testability, reliability and overall quality of life. I will present a software design approach that allowed my teams to ship unbelievably fast while keeping the quality above industry standards.
PHP How to manage a quaint, yet indispensable software monolith? The one that outlived (twice) your shiny frameworks. The one that was created when 10 people was all it took to run the business. Well, you "just" need some clean architecture, and an understanding of Conway's law for decoupling, a healthy use of the Strangler Fig pattern to survive change, and some inspiration from the DDD community to make the app tell the story of your organization.
PHP During this presentation, we are going to look at the new features that were introduced in PHP 8.0. Join me to have a look at how the type system is strengthened with union types, Attributes, the JIT engine, and syntax improvements such as Constructor Property Promotion, and other new smaller features.

At the end you will have a good understand about all the new and exciting features that are going to be part of the PHP 8.0 release.
PHP In this talk I explain how to use Xdebug 3 to get more productive writing PHP code. It is for developers who want to know how to debug their code in a better way, through single step debugging, profiling, and simpler debugging tools.

This new version is a near total rewrite, and brings many improvements over its older releases. You will learn how to optimally use the new features and settings to make your development life easier.
PHP There are things you can't - or don't want to - do inside a web request. Whether sending an email, processing a video, or consuming live data, you should be using a separate process - probably a daemon. Learn how to stop abusing cron, and easily daemonize a PHP script that responds responsibly to process signals.

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