February 24-26, 2021
Online, Timezone GMT-5

Workshop: Coding a web app with Vue 3

This immersive 2-day instructor-led workshop covers all the core concepts and guides you to build a full Vue 3 data-centric business application, step by step, including project setup, code structure, style guide, using the Vue CLI, data binding, querying a REST API, forms, routing, and more... this workshop is the ideal starting point to understand and use Vue 3 effectively now, and leverage the power of the new Composition API to optimize your Vue applications. You’ll experience several demos and "code along" activities and be provided with the code throughout the workshop, with plenty of interactivity with the instructor in the room!
  • Getting started with Vue 3
  • Minimal Setup and Tooling
  • Vue 3 Project Structure
    • Template Syntax
    • Expressions
    • Attribute binding
    • Class and style binding
    • Conditional and list rendering
    • Events handling and Event Modifiers
    • Shorthands
  • Components
    • Passing Data with Props, Custom Events, Methods, Scoped CSS, Life-cycle Hooks, Nested components, Communicating between components
  • Setup an Enterprise Development Workflow with Vue CLI and Vue UI
    • Using Single File Components (.vue files)
  • The new Vue 3 Composition API
  • Communicating with a server API
    • Making Async HTTP Requests with Axios: Fetch dynamic JSON data from an API, Post data to server, Template URLs, best practices and uses of service to keep the app modular
  • Computed and watch properties
  • Vue 3 Teleport
  • Suspense
  • Routing with Vue Router
    • Nested routes
    • Routes params
    • Alias, redirect, props and error
    • Lazy loading
  • Transitions & Animations
  • Error Handling
  • Debugging a Vue app
  • Forms and Validation
  • Modern State Management with Vuex
  • Deploying an app to production
  • Tips and tricks

Laurent Duveau

Vue Academy

Entrepreneur passionate about web and mobile technologies, with over 19 years of experience, Laurent has successfully accompanied many startups and large Canadian companies in their software development strategy, with currently a strong focus on Vuejs and Angular.
In 2018 he created the Vue Academy Workshop which quickly became a huge success!

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