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- Montreal 2020
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This is your opportunity to start learning Vue.js now and bring your web developments to the next level! This intensive workshop will start from scratch and walk you through how to develop a full Vue data-centric application, diving into many topics including how to setup, debug and deploy your app with Vue CLI, Vuetify, Vuex, Nuxt, and Visual Studio Code. At the end of the day, you will walk away with a solid knowledge of Vue and be comfortable with starting your own project now!
Topics Covered:
- Getting started with Vue.js
- The Vue Instance
- Minimal Setup and Tooling
- Template Syntax
- Components (Passing Data with Props, Custom Events, Methods, Scoped CSS, Life-cycle Hooks, Nesting components, Communicating between components)
- Setup an Enterprise Development Workflow with Vue CLI and Vue UI
- Communicating with a server API (Making Async HTTP Requests with Axios: Fetch dynamic JSON data from an API, Post data to server, best practices and uses of service to keep the app modular)
- Computed and watch properties
- Routing with Vue Router (Nested routes, Routes params, Alias, redirect, props and error, Lazy loading)
- Transitions & Animations
- Error Handling
- Debugging a Vue.js app
- Forms and Two-way Data Binding
- Validation with Vuelidate
- Improve apps with filters and mixins
- Scoped slots
- Better State Management with Vuex (Why Vuex ? Setup a Store with Vuex, Actions, Mutations and Getters, Vuex Mutation History and Vue Devtools)
- Material Design with Vuetify
- Deploying an app to production
- Tips and tricks
- Introduction to Nuxt (if time permits)