February 26-28, 2020
Montreal, Canada

Montreal JavaScript Conference

JavaScript Ll’innovation vocale doit rester ouvert.
Cette session expliquera les différentes couches dans ce nouveau secteur du Web : la couche matérielle, la couche logicielle pour assurer la connexion aux services et traiter les interactions avec l’utilisateur.
Le Libre avec le projet DeepSpeech de Mozilla offre la possibilité de contrôler le matériel par la voix pour garder un Web ouvert en s’appuyant sur le projet Common Voice
JavaScript Three years ago we have started to build a bank. We made some mistakes, one of them was our API.
This talk describes our journey from an improvised anarchistic REST API to a well-documented, typed GraphQL interface. I will touch on technical and cultural aspects which you should consider if you plan to step into our footsteps.
JavaScript Proxies let us do metaprogramming in JavaScript, which is a really cool thing.

There are well-established, useful patterns for it to be sure, and we’ll see a
few of these. But they can also be used for less obvious results, or plain fun
with mischevious tricks and quirky behavior!
JavaScript TypeScript is an odd duck. A language designed by C# engineers of an object-oriented persuasion. But built on JavaScript, a slapdash ode to Scheme. Is there room for both approaches? Of course! We're engineers. We just use what suits us and happily ignore the rest! This talk reduces TypeScript to the features functional programmers love. Get ready for a lot of interfaces and generics, and not one mention of classes or (shudder) access modifiers.
JavaScript Long gone are the days when JavaScript was just good for opening popup windows and validating forms. Modern browsers support countless APIs, providing access to client hardware, implementing security protocols, push notifications, and many more. Join this code-heavy whirlwind tour of APIs you didn't know existed, but you want to try out right after the session.
JavaScript Scaling is about more than servers and shards, it's about team communication, exponential complexity, and the problems that only arrive when an app gets large enough to have them. This talk is about some principles and techniques developed specifically for managing the complexity of large front-end web applications at scale, to bring sanity back to your development teams and “performance and polish” to your users.
JavaScript Have you ever felt helpless, facing some cryptic code you had to change? You know, the kind of code that has no test to tell you if something breaks…

This is a scenario I frequently faced. And I learn better ways to work with such Legacy Code.

In this session, I'll show you how to write tests on existing code, even when you don't understand what it does. You'll learn how to modify this code and know that nothing broke when you’re done.
JavaScript Have you ever wanted to get started on your own Internet of Things (IoT) project, but didn’t know how to start? Well, now it’s easier than ever to jump in and start creating your own IoT device using JavaScript.

In this talk, we will be getting our hands dirty the Raspberry Pi and Node. By the end of this talk, you will be able to run Node on your Pi, hookup and read sensor data, and transmit it to the browser in real-time. Sounds cool, right?
JavaScript Javascript is probably not the first language that pops to mind when thinking about Game development. It's not particularly fast, OOP support is a little special and most games don't really target the browser. Yet a small but growing community is doing just that - with amazing results. This talk will demonstrate how to build a Steam ready desktop application in JavaScript, in 45 minutes.
JavaScript JavaScript is an interesting language. It can mimic almost any style you want: procedural, object-oriented, functional, etc. In this presentation, I will take a simple problem and will solve it using different approaches. With each step, we will see the power of the new approach to take the complexity away, while still being the JavaScript we all love to hate.
JavaScript Jest est un test-runner pour JavaScript où l'accent est mis sur la performance et sur l'expérience développeur.
On trouve ainsi dans Jest des concepts classiques comme les assertions ou la couverture de code, mais toujours pensés pour être réellement agréables à utiliser. Jest propose aussi des fonctionnalités innovantes tel que le snapshot testing ou encore l'auto mocking.
Venez découvrir Jest, et reprenez plaisir à tester votre JavaScript!
JavaScript From bots to command-line scripts and workflows, every team has their own set of tools to help empowering individual contributors.

In this talk we are going to share some of these fun usages of Node.js for mocking all services APIs that helps us improve productivity for developers in the context of a fast growing startup.
JavaScript Is your first thought when thinking about cryptography, “nope, that’s not for me!”? There’s no need to. When explained with simple examples, you can see the basics are not that complicated. The Javascript Object Signing and Encryption, or JOSE for short is a framework that helps us deal with encryption. It describes ways to securely transfer data either signed (JWS) or encrypted (JWE). Let’s explore the wonderful world of cryptography together.
JavaScript webUSB, webMIDI, webBluetooth, oh my web! In this session, we will explore what webUSB, webMIDI and webBluetooth API and how it safely expose device services to the web in JavaScript. This session is designed for web developers, makers who want to innovate and take their web apps to the next level.
JavaScript As long as we’ve been using the internet, and way before that, we have been authenticating through some sort of username and password combination. It has become the standard. With the ever-increasing number of web-apps, we’re seeing more and more data breaches as well. What if we could build our authentication processes in a way the user doesn’t need a password?
JavaScript Content management systems like Drupal or Wordpress giving you grief? Tired of mucking around in databases? In this session will discuss some of the key concepts around using the JAMstack then dive deep with rapidly developing websites or applications with Vue.js and how to incorporate a headless CMS. We'll cover:

- Using a headless CMS as an API
- Scaffolding out performant and SEO friend UI's
- Deploying through Docker container
JavaScript In the 1970s, punk rock countered a bloated music industry with short direct songs - and we can do the same thing with our software. The heart of this talk is about my fast and efficient replacements for slow and user-hostile promotional websites, but it expands to a show that bigger isn't necessarily better and that focusing on the core of what's really needed can dramatically improve your software. Features fast guitars and JavaScript.
JavaScript Svelte is the hot new JavaScript framework for building 'Cybernetically enhanced web apps", where the easy to use framework is compiled away, leaving only the bare essential JavaScript needed to keep your app working as expected.

Because of this paradigm, it's just so easy to just add a touch of Svelte to an already existing website or web app. Come learn about the best way to add a dash of awesome, for a tiny cost, using Svelte.
JavaScript Yes, okay, ES2015 rules, and ES2016–2019 bring about a lot of cool things (most notably async/await), but a ton of cool stuff is expected to land in the next few years, too… and we can play with it already!

Christophe takes you through a whirlwind tour of the upcoming features he’s most excited about, due to become official in 2020, 2021… or 2022 ;-)
JavaScript This presentation looks at the variety of ways we can test a typical web application. From unit tests to end-to-end, from functional to visual testing, from happy paths to the edge cases - there are a lot of solutions available, and each new technique gives us additional confidence in our application. This presentation will teach you how to guide test writing using code coverage using Cypress open-source test runner.
JavaScript It seems that every year a new tech giant announces the death of cross-platform mobile development.
The solutions are too slow (Facebook), too complex (Dropbox), or not mature enough (Airbnb). With so many negative reviews it can be quite surprising to see an ever-increasing number of companies that choose to use these solutions. This talk will try to answer the why's and the how's of the wonderful world that is cross-platform mobile development
JavaScript Take your Angular knowledge from 0 to 100 as we stroll through the concepts that you need to know like modules, components, services, routes, and guards to be able to create any Angular application. See the productivity that the Angular CLI in action. You will walk away with the knowledge and resources you need to immediately start coding your own Angular applications. See you there to jump start your Angular development.
JavaScript In this session you’ll learn about WebAssembly: what is it, what problems it solves, how it works, and what makes it secure. That last point about security is an important one because that’s one area that gives many people pause when hearing the words ‘native code’ or that C++ can be used. Immediately, we have flash backs of plugins and pointers.

Explore all 156 sessions

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