February 26-28, 2020
Montreal, Canada

Montreal Java & JVM languages Conference

Java & JVM languages While a microservices architecture is more scalable than a monolith, it has a direct hit on performance.

To cope with that, one performance improvement is to set up a cache. It can be configured for database access, for REST calls or just to store session state across a cluster of server nodes. In this demo-based talk, I'll show how Hazelcast In-Memory Data Grid can help you in each one of those areas and how to configure it.
Java & JVM languages A typical workflow of a Data Scientist involves some level of exploratory data analysis. If you’re using Python when working with your data, you are probably quite familiar with packages like pandas, matplotlib, and others. Switching from pandas to Spark - how do you explore your data? How do you visualize it? In this talk, I’ll take a dataset and will explore it with Spark using IntelliJ IDEA and Apache Zeppelin.
Java & JVM languages How can we improve the efficiency of an existing web application? We could completely rewrite it, leverage more concurrency and even reactive features. But is it really worth it if we don’t even measure and track the relevant metrics? In this talk, Stéphane will work on an existing Spring Boot MVC application to make it more efficient. He’ll use out-of-the-box metrics, add new ones to measure, and keep an eye on capacity gains with dashboards.
Java & JVM languages Eclipse MicroProfile provides a set of APIs for creating cloud-native microservices. I will start with a blank sheet and build a set of well documented, configurable microservices that communicates with each other in a secure, traceable and fault-tolerant way using implementations from a wide range of vendors.

Learn how to get started with Eclipse MicroProfile to create portable 12-factor microservices in an efficient manner.
Java & JVM languages Thanks to the new release schedule, we’ve seen 3 releases of Java within about a year - 11, 12, and 13. In this live-coding session, we explore the most useful features they bring, including extensions to the Collections API, updates to IO/NIO, String improvements, support for single-file source-code programs, switch expressions, text blocks, new HTTP/2 client, and more. Come and learn what’s new in Java in the last year, and how you can use it!
Java & JVM languages Creating a new Spring application? Spring Boot is the best starting point and your shortest path to production.

During this live-coding session, we will see how Spring Boot can help us build web applications that leverage the Spring ecosystem. From tests to production-ready features, you'll get the full Boot experience.
Java & JVM languages Most critical systems are partially or entirely distributed, causing a number of challenges. Learn how to REALLY leverage OSS solutions like Spring Cloud Stream, RabbitMQ, & Kafka to maximize your systems' capabilities while minimizing complexity. There be dragons when dealing with messaging platforms; the presenter will show you several ways to tame & harness them for maximum fire & altitude. All examples will be coded *live & in real-time*!
Java & JVM languages In this session, you'll see how to leverage open source Spring Security to implement OpenID Connect & OAuth2 with ease, adding powerful & extensible mechanisms for authentication & authorization to provide end-to-end security for your critical systems.

This session is a live-coding "lock it down" exploration of how to secure your apps & assets now and maintain their security over time using 100% open source software.
Java & JVM languages Java ne cesse d’évoluer et de plus en plus rapidement, à un tel point qu’il est parfois difficile de savoir où l’on en est ! A l’aube de la sortie de Java 14, je propose donc de présenter dans cette session technique les principales nouveautés ajoutées dans les dernières versions de Java. Et comme ce sont parfois les petits détails qui font la différence, nous allons aussi discuter de nouveautés mineures qui peuvent cependant être intéressantes.
Java & JVM languages Kotlin is a new language for the JVM and Android. Kotlin builds upon the feature set of Java, and improves your productivity through better syntax, safer code, and faster build times.

In this talk we’ll introduce you, the Java developer, to Kotlin! We'll see the important differences between Java and Kotlin, and then Kotlin's native features – including null safety and receiver blocks – that let you write safer code more productively.
Java & JVM languages Au tout début, Java a mis la programmation parallèle en avant.

Il était simple de créer un Thread.

Depuis cette lointaine époque, de nombreuses primitives ont été ajoutées pour nous simplifier la vie.

Nous allons les découvrir ou revisiter ensemble.
Java & JVM languages Local variable type inference is without a doubt the biggest language feature in Java from the last couple of years. In this live-coding session, we push its limits and examine its behaviour through a series of 40 examples. We do this in the form of a quiz, and focus on situations where the type inference doesn’t work, or leads to unclean code. Come and test your knowledge of type inference, and learn how to use it well in practice!
Java & JVM languages Eclipse MicroProfile provides specifications for the most commonly used microservice patterns. This session presents a group of patterns that will be in explained and demoed live in a down-to-earth and easily understandable way.

Patterns covered include Service per Container, Externalized Configuration, Health Check API, Application Metrics, Circuit Breaker, Access Token, Distributed Tracing.

There will be live coding!
Java & JVM languages Gradle 6.0 concludes efforts from the Gradle team around dependency management.

As an application of library developers in the JVM ecosystem, you have a large choice of dependencies. Come discover what Gradle has to offer to help you handle your classpath efficiently, at build time instead of runtime!
Detecting and resolving logging library conflicts? Aligning the version of multi jar frameworks?
These questions will be answered!

Java & JVM languages You will learn right analysis patterns, tools and best practices to troubleshoot production problems. You will learn how to analyze thread dumps, heap dumps, GC logs and other artifacts . We will be also discussing real world examples which caused outages in major enterprises. After this session, troubleshooting CPU spikes, OutOfMemoryError, response time degradations, network connectivity issues will not stump you any more.

Explore all 156 sessions

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