February 26-28, 2020
Montreal, Canada

Montreal DevOps Conference

DevOps You’ve been to a restaurant before, right? Have you noticed how everything is structured? Everyone has a job and there is a chain of command. You can’t just walk into the kitchen and tell the cook how you want your steak done. Kubernetes is actually very similar to this. You will deploy some pods that do specific things and set the rules of communications that dictate how they all talk to each other.
DevOps The end is nigh. Your application is almost ready and you will need to deploy it. And with the deployment, the endless tweaking to actually get everything running in a production environment. If only there was a way to test everything in that environment first… This is where containers will come in to save the day. With container, you not only run your code in an environment similar to the production server, it is the production environment.
DevOps OWASP, a nonprofit composed of security experts from around the world, provides a number of free and open source tools designed by security experts to help your secure your applications. Learn how to integrate these tools - from active penetration tests to project dependency checkers - into your DevOps pipeline and deliver on the promise of continuous security.
DevOps Web technologies have come leaps and bounds. But are you still using the tired old database from last generation? Let's look at the methodology of microservices, compare it to bounded contexts, and look at ops tasks for micro-databases. Let's tour all the flavors of databases, understand their pros and cons, and when you would choose it. You'll leave with a roadmap for moving from data-monolyth to micro-databases.
DevOps So, you’ve migrated your application to Reactive Microservices to get the last ounce of performance from your servers. Perhaps you forgot about the logs: they be a huge roadblock on the road.

Application produce logs, and they need to be stored e.g. in Elasticsearch, with the minimum of fuss and the fastest way possible. I’ll show you some insider tips and tricks taken from our experience put you on the track toward fast(er) log management.
DevOps At re:invent 2018, Amazon released custom runtime support and Layers for their Lambda runtime. With this release we as developers can create our own PHP Lambda runtime without undue overhead. This talk will show you how Lambda custom runtimes work, how to build one that speaks PHP, and how to use pre-built custom runtime layers for both job-processing and, via API Gateway, serving web traffic.
DevOps Discover how 4 development teams adopted the principles of Continuous Delivery on an existing application. Learn what worked well & what didn’t, and the reality of failing pipelines, flaky tests and brittle infrastructure: transitioning from manual bi-weekly releases to 30 deployments per day.
DevOps systemd is the default init system on several Linux distros amd can do more than just start services on boot. It maintains dependencies between services, can restart failing services or activate them on demand, handle temp files, and much more. Services can also directly interact with its API. I'll show you how to use systemd to run and monitor your complex application and add tighten security like private /tmp or resource restriction on top.
DevOps Varnish is the leading content delivery software that helps developers and sysadmins scale their websites, APIs and OTT video platforms by caching content efficiently. In this presentation we will introduce Varnish and explain how it is built for scale, for speed and for stability. We'll cover how it respects HTTP best practices. But we'll also learn about the built-in Varnish Configuration Language that allows you to customize caching behavior.
DevOps In the last 3 months I've had the unfortunate experience of play with many Azure APIs. It's been a rough journey, some are easy to use, others are quite complicated. There are many domains ( management, graph, powerbi, legacy graph ) that you have to contend with, each requiring their own tokens. There is a lot of documentation but none that give you a global overview. In this talk I will crystallize my experience into easy to digest diagrams.
DevOps Terraform has changed the way many organizations deploy to the cloud. With a clear configuration language you can manage countless services (providers in Terraform) and ensure they are kept in sync with your deployment needs. Learn how to build out some of the most common patterns and infrastructures against AWS, and start writing your infrastructure as code today.

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