March 13-15, 2019
Montreal, Canada

IoT for the Introvert

You can’t spell “introvert” without “IoT”, which is why Chloe is here to show us how she used Azure IoT services to help her get out of not-so-fun social situations. In this talk, she’ll walk through how you can use a simple Flic button and Azure to save yourself from your next awkward convo.

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Chloe Condon


Chloe is an SF based Senior Cloud Developer Advocate for Microsoft. Pre-Engineering, she spent her nights and weekends performing in the Bay Area as a singer/actress, before attending Hackbright in 2016. Perhaps the only engineer you'll meet who has been in "Hairspray", "Xanadu", "Carrie the Musical", and "Jerry Springer: the Opera"- she is passionate about bringing people with non-traditional backgrounds into the world of tech.

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