March 13-15, 2019
Montreal, Canada

Montreal Artificial Intelligence Conference

Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence is far more than just machine learning. There are a variety of methods that can be used to automate decision making. In this introductory course for software developers, we will explore various methods. The goal is to give devs newer to the field a few "eureka moments" during a survey of AI methodologies. Experienced devs will gain a fresh perspective on the field of AI from a fellow developer, not a mathematician.
Artificial Intelligence While we are a long way out from machines that can perform artificial general intelligence (AGI) tasks, deep learning can be used for many narrow artificial intelligence (AI) tasks including image or audio classification, facial recognition, object recognition, image caption generation, and natural language processing. We will explore how developers can easily integrate open source deep learning models into their applications.
Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence. These are all big words we hear coming into our businesses lately - but what does it really mean?!
Microsoft has created a set of simple and scalable tools that any developer can use and integrate into their applications super quickly!
This session will focus on the various Cognitive Service offerings and show you plenty of demos on how to use them in your apps!
Artificial Intelligence Chat bots continue to be all the rage in application development. But is there really anything special about a chat bot? Is there anything a chat bot can do that a normal application can't?

Turns out a bot is really just an application with a different interface. And this new interface requires a new set of design skills.

Come see what chat bots can and can't do, and how to integrate NLP and ML to create a compelling user experience.
Artificial Intelligence This simple technique that every programmer should know can simplify certain problems tremendously, allowing us to find an optimal solution to difficult problems quickly and easily using a process called Dynamic Programming. In this session, we will run through examples of using this technique to solve several problems, both "on paper" and in code, and apply that knowledge to build Artificial Intelligences that can make decisions on our behalf.
Artificial Intelligence The talk will describe my role as an AI engineer in the transformation of Decathlon from a sport retailer to a sport platform. I will describe the challenges involved in the development of an AI-driven platform, detail the projects (image recognition to create a marketplace, personalization to improve user experience and retention) where AI has created the most value and describe the contribution of external developers to our projects.
Artificial Intelligence The QA team is the last frontier before your customers get their hands on your latest product version. Assuming your testing team has already completed testing there’s still one piece of the puzzle: visual UI testing of your app front end.
In this talk, I will take existing functional tests and add AI-powered visual testing capabilities to them. It takes just 8 lines of code - I promise.

Artificial Intelligence Your bot is doing well but what if you add some more intelligence to it such as speaking? Or speaking and translating at the same time? Isn't this great for your clients or your employees?
Come and see how to add Microsoft Speech API to your bot and what to add more to find your business requirements for speaking and translating bot!

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