March 13-15, 2019
Montreal, Canada

Montreal .NET Conference

.NET In this talk, we’ll explore the simple yet complex realm of rate limiting. We’ll go over how to decide on which resources to limit, what the limits should be and where to enforce these limits – in our app, on the server, using a reverse proxy like Nginx or even an external service like CloudFlare or Azure API management. The takeaway? Know when and where to enforce rate limits so you can have both a happy application as well as happy customers.
.NET What is legacy code? Did I just write more of it? ASP.NET rebooted itself to make it more maintainable and performant. Let's learn to build highly maintainable code as well. We'll look at the low-hanging fruit to get you on a path to avoiding the common pitfalls and reach for the easy wins. You can avoid legacy.
.NET Async and await are now common elements of .NET ecosystem. Do you know how they work, what is synchronization context, how to wait for async void methods or how to implement custom task scheduler? In this talk I show internals of async and await. I present state machine created by the compiler, typical deadlock scenarios, synchronization context implementations and how to await for async void methods.
.NET You’ve probably seen how a ASP.NET Core application works, but authentication and authorization are a different cup of tea. Microsoft completely re-did a large part of these security features in ASP.NET Core.
We'll look at the different case of doing authentication for your application, with ASP.NET Core Identity or by using a token service (STS). When that's done we'll dive into the authorization part which is also completely overhauled.
.NET Ever wondered how IDE’s are built? In this talk, we’ll skip the marketing bit and dive into the architecture and implementation of JetBrains Rider. We’ll look at how and why we have built (and open sourced) a reactive protocol, and how the IDE uses a “microservices” architecture to communicate with the debugger, Roslyn, a WPF renderer and even other tools like Unity3D. We’ll explore how things are wired together. Let’s geek out!
.NET Machine Learning, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence. These are all big words we hear coming into our businesses lately - but what does it really mean?!
Microsoft has created a set of simple and scalable tools that any developer can use and integrate into their applications super quickly!
This session will focus on the various Cognitive Service offerings and show you plenty of demos on how to use them in your apps!
.NET The talk will cover how to architect your ASP.NET Core Web APIs. The talk will cover a clear decoupling of the API endpoints, Data Access (Synthetic or Production) and finally the Data Domain classes. Discuss how the API Endpoints (Controllers) have no knowledge or responsibility of Data Domain and behind it Data Access. Finally, Data Access segments of the architecture can easily be switched out without impacting the Domain or API Endpoints.
.NET DLL Injection sounds like some black magic used only by hackers. However, it is used widely in the Windows ecosystem by multiple antiviruses and system utilities. During the presentation I show how we can use it to change 3rd party applications, how to write simple keylogger in 20 lines of code, and how to inject both native and managed code into other applications. We will see memory management on x86 and some Windows internals.
.NET What happens when the code for your Entity Framework LINQ queries looks good, but your app is very slow? Are you looking in the right place? Don’t be afraid to start looking at your database. Knowing how to investigate and debug what your LINQ queries are doing in SQL Server is as important as the actual LINQ query in your .NET solutions. In the end, learning to be an Entity Framework detective will make your project sound and snappy.
.NET WebAssembly provides a way to run code written in multiple languages on the web at near-native speed, with client apps running on the web that previously couldn’t have done so. You will learn how to reuse .NET Standard application and C# code to make your applications run across all browsers and all OS with WASM. You will also learn how to create apps using C# and XAML that can work on WASM but also on iOS, Android, Windows.
.NET SignalR for ASP.NET Core is here. It's quite a lot different than the "old" SignalR. After a short introduction of what SignalR is I'll show you how to build real-time functionality into every ASP.NET Core application by diving into the code of a demo application showing you the server- and client-side. When your app's ready there are scalability issues to consider.
When the session is over you'll be able to deliver your own real-time web app!
.NET Your bot is doing well but what if you add some more intelligence to it such as speaking? Or speaking and translating at the same time? Isn't this great for your clients or your employees?
Come and see how to add Microsoft Speech API to your bot and what to add more to find your business requirements for speaking and translating bot!

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