March 7-9, 2018
Montreal, Canada

Architecture & design patterns Conference 2018

Architecture & design patterns Laravel makes it really easy to build APIs, we will explore how to use it to build powerful and flexible APIs. We will cover how to use Passport to support oAuth authentication, how to build flexible responses with Transformers and how to rapidly build RESTful logic in our application.
Architecture & design patterns When starting to dabble with Javascript, the biggest challenge for most developers is understanding how to deal with asynchronous development. During this talk, we will cover some of the different ways to handle async programming like callbacks, promises, reactive streams and events. Developers attending this talk will have a better understanding of asynchronous programming and will have a few new tools to their belt to tackle those issues.
Architecture & design patterns À l’automne 2014, M6 décide d’adapter le programme Rising Star en France, un concours de chant en direct, mais dont le jury est le public, qui vote en direct depuis son application mobile.
A travers cette conférence, je me propose de vous présenter l’architecture mise en place pour être capable de traiter plusieurs dizaines de millions de votes dans un délais de quelques secondes, tout en se synchronisant avec une émission de télé en direct.
Architecture & design patterns When Bruce Lee started his own martial art, he took all the best traits from the different flavours of Kung Fu and adapted it, to make his own unique version that suited him best. In this talk, I will draw parallels between software craftmanship and how Bruce Lee approached honing his skill. In the end, I will prove to you that Bruce Lee was, in fact, a software architect.
Architecture & design patterns Running a platform that receives 6 million requests, serves 70 gb of bandwidth and sees 75 thousand unique visitors every day is normally the domain of teams -- or even of many teams. In this talk, I will describe the fundamental principles, and the technologies used to implement them, that have allowed me to run a platform at web scale alone and in my spare time.
Architecture & design patterns CQRS & event sourcing are very popular topics. However, most blogs and talks focus on the theory or introductions to a framework, not necessarily the challenges of a production deployment.

This session bridges that gap and looks at some of the pitfalls of a real-world deployment. I'll discuss topics like concurrency & scale, refactoring events and updating read models. Attend this talk to learn from my experiences and be better prepared.
Architecture & design patterns You're not the DevOps guy, and you hate bash scripts. You want to deploy a scalable and secure application, but you spend most your time in application code. This talk will show you just how easy it can be to achieve security and scalability with PHP and Python using Docker containers. By the end of the talk, you'll be able to deploy an autoscaling Kubernetes cluster of frameworks and microservices.
Architecture & design patterns In this presentation I will show you how to leverage HTTP headers in your PHP application to achieve a maximum hit rate, without losing touch with the challenges of real-world web projects.

We'll talk about cache-control headers, ESI, AJAX calls, vary headers, accept-language, separating stateful from stateless content, conditional requests, and content invalidation.

I'll apply these concepts to a Symfony 3 application to prove my point.
Architecture & design patterns Much of the software we write is built to support a business process, this generally means validating and storing user data into a database. Often this is a mismatch with the actual business process, which is more reactive and task oriented. In this talk we'll look at using business events to drive the evolution of our software design and see how we can build a model which better reflects the businesses processes.
Architecture & design patterns Functional programming is a paradigm known for decades. It is gaining popularity again, due to the rise of purely functional languages like Haskell. You may wonder, how it could be useful in PHP? You need to know that it is also a set of concepts that are language independent and allows for completely different approach when writing regular application code. Using a few techniques and a slight change of perspective your code will be cleaner.
Architecture & design patterns One of the biggest problems when dealing with legacy is any change to the software might break the old system. Refactoring is usually slow and dangerous. In this talk I will discuss how we successful migrated an ancient legacy project to an event-driven architecture using just the power of events and Kafka.
Architecture & design patterns We’ve been building hypermedia APIs in one shape or another for a long time. As JSON continues to take over the world, many new specifications promise to deliver an easier way to create and evolve our APIs. After covering what problems ReST 3.0 tries to solve, we’ll evaluate the specifications and tools we can leverage. To the cloud and beyond!
Architecture & design patterns Designing softwares with an object oriented approach is hard... really hard! In fact, making good object oriented design (aka OOD) is very difficult for many developers as it goes far beyond basic concepts like classes, objects, inheritance and interfaces. This talk will provide tips and techniques to help you design better object oriented code. We'll cover topics like SOLID principles, composition vs inheritance, value objects, entities, etc.
Architecture & design patterns Interruptions are a fact of life. Power failures, network outages, hardware failures -- all can be *really* irksome when you have some long-running complex task or calculation underway. And inventing ways to save & restore state can be drudgery and error-prone.

Ruby's Marshal module can help. It serialises data, instances, whatever, into a saveable state -- and lets you restore from it later. I'll show you how, with examples.
Architecture & design patterns While Object Oriented Programming provides a basis for structuring code, the question "How do I make sense of all those business rules?" remains unanswered. Domain Driven Design (DDD) main goal is to manage complexity by defining how to translate domain logic to code. In this presentation, you will see the main concepts of DDD and how it facilitates communication between developers and domain experts.
Architecture & design patterns Instagram was famous for being "Mobile First", but in 2017, it started doubling down on its mobile web experience by bringing a creation flow, stories, as well as search and explore functionality to mobile web. This talk will explain why Instagram decided to do this as well as discuss technical details about how it uses modern best practices in web to provide a fulfilling experience for their users.
Architecture & design patterns The logical place to put view-related logic is in your view, right? “A little logic here, a little logic there,” but all of a sudden you hardly recognize your views! A quick glance at the code and you can’t tell your server side language apart from your HTML. Don’t worry; this is a fun opportunity for some refactoring! Learn several approaches you can start using today to clean up your views.

Explore all 154 sessions

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